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OWASP Poland logo.png

Who are we

The original Polish Chapter was founded in June 2007 by Andrzej Targosz and Robert Pajak. The chapter leader is Wojciech Dworakowski (since 2011). Acting Chapter Board members are (since 2011): Michal Kurek, Marek Zmyslowski, Tomasz Polanski, Mateusz Olejarka, Paweł Krawczyk (till September 2013), since 2015: Alexander Antukh.

If you have any questions about previous activities (2009-2011) do not hesitate to contact Przemyslaw Skowron
If you have any questions about previous activities (2007-2009) do not hesitate to contact Andrzej Targosz

Most accurate list of our events can be found at Meetup.

If you wish to present your topic at OWASP, here is our Call for Papers form.

KrakWhiteHat & OWASP meeting - Kraków vol. 2, 15.11.2016


Pentesting iOS, BLE (in)security, smart-lockpicking, Mirai botnet and more...

We are finally back :). Together with the KrakWhiteHat team we've prepared a new event for you. We will host two speakers with the same first name, what a conicidence :).

Our first speaker Sławomir Kosowski will talk about iOS application security testing, including setting up testing environment, static and dynamic analysis with some real-world examples.

During the second talk Sławomir Jasek will discuss attacking Bluetooth Low Energy communication (the talk from BHUSA 2016). There will be some smart lockpicking there to see. There will be also open discussion about IoT security and infamous Mirai botnet which lately took down wast part of Internet. Meanwhile we will connect some IP cameras for you to witness how quickly it will be taken by Mirai. Be a part of the discussion how to prevent taking down the world with ip cameras and toasters :)

Chapter Supporters

OWASP Poland thanks its Chapter Supporters:
Allegro-group.jpg - Gold Chapter Supporter.
Qualys logo.png - Silver Chapter Supporter,
LP logo.jpg - Silver Chapter Supporter,
Securing logo cmyk 150.png - Silver Chapter Supporter.

If your company wishes to support our chapter, please contact Wojciech Dworakowski (terms and conditions: