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OWASP Chapter
The OWASP Chapters program helps to foster local discussion of application security around the world. Our Local Chapters are free and open to anyone and managed by a set of guidelines known as the OWASP Chapter Handbook. Many of the popular OWASP presentations are available for everyone to use at meetings. [hide]
Join Your Local ChapterAttending meetings anywhere in the world is FREE and OPEN to anyone, membership is NOT required to do so. We suggest that you locate your "home chapter" and simply sign up on the appropriate mailing list, watch for the next local meeting stop by to introduce yourself ask questions and collaborate. Or consider the value of Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member? Chapters by Geographic RegionSubcategories are listed alphabetically by state, province, or country as applicable. If you would like to restart an inactive chapter, please use the OWASP Chapter Request Form. CLICK TO EXPAND REGION
OWASP Student Chapters ProgramThe Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has local chapters around the world that help teach, learn, and inspire application security. Our Student Chapters program helps to extend application security into colleges and universities worldwide. OWASP Student Chapters Program is a way to integrate passionate AppSec students. We want to create students chapters in order to organise events, meetings and have fun! If your school has a computer science or management information systems degree, we can help you Start a Student Chapter there. View the OWASP Student Chapters Program information and a list of participating student groups. Start a ChapterYou don't need to be an expert in application security, just motivated to help build the OWASP community and organize meetings. There's a lot of help available from other Local Chapter leaders. So get your community moving to help the mission of software security awareness and start a local OWASP Chapter today! A request to start or restart a chapter should be submitted by the founding member or group to the OWASP Chapter Request Form and should include:
Generally speaking, the Chapter Leader Handbook asks that you: * Will commit to organizing at least quarterly meetings * Will find a stable location for meetings * Will find great speakers * Will publicize the chapter and recruit new members * Will keep the chapter non-commercial What is the process once I submit my request to start a chapter? Once submitted, the request will be reviewed and approved by the OWASP Staff. Once the new chapter is approved 1. A chapter wiki page and mailing list will be set up for the new leader(s). 2. The chapter leader(s) will be given an owasp email account and password to operate as the administrator of the new chapter mailing list. Update Chapter LeaderYou may also use the OWASP Chapter Request Form to modify or add new chapter leaders. The chapter wiki page and OWASP Foundation records must be updated for leaders to access benefits. This form ensures that our internal records will be up to date. Bring Speakers to Your ChapterTo support Local Chapter meetings and (web application) security conferences we started a travel-support program for OWASP presenters. If you are interested in attracting an OWASP speaker to your event, have a look at OWASP on the Move! Chapter Support Materials
Funding Chapter Communications
Marketing and Promotion
For more detail visit the OWASP Chapter Resources Page. |
Learning ResourcesOttawa Chapter Training Videos
Let OWASP know if your Chapter has training resources you would like to see here |