This site is the archived OWASP Foundation Wiki and is no longer accepting Account Requests.
To view the new OWASP Foundation website, please visit
Global Conferences Committee/
- About the Committee
- 2012 Committee Plan
- 2011 Committee Plan
- Planner Resources
- Committee Policies
- Conference Liaison Initiative
- GCC Records
The Global Conferences Committee was created during the OWASP EU Summit in Portugal 2008. The Global Conferences Committee exists to coordinate and facilitate OWASP conferences and events worldwide. The committee is governed by the Global Conferences Committee Governance document
- Mark Bristow (U.S, 2011 Chair Election)
- John Wilander (Sweden)
- Lucas Ferreira (Brazil)
- Richard Greenberg (US)
- Ralph Durkee (US)
- Mohd Fazli Azran (Malaysia)
- Lorna Alamri (US)
- Benny Ketelslegers (Japan)
Operational Support: Sarah Baso
Upcoming Meeting
Recurring Meeting time & date: on the third Wednesday of the month at 3pm GMT/UTC
Date: Wednesday, June 20 at 3pm GMT/UTC
Date: Wednesday, July 18 at 3pm GMT/UTC
GoToMeeting link:
- Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.
Access Code: 491-851-430
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting - Meeting ID: 491-851-430
International Dial-in:
Australia: +61 (0) 7 3123 6030
Austria: +43 (0) 7 2088 1407
Belgium: +32 (0) 28 08 4297
Canada: +1 (778) 785-0724
Denmark: +45 (0) 69 91 88 70
Finland: +358 (0) 942 59 9697
France: +33 (0) 182 880 463
Germany: +49 (0) 898 7806 6464
Ireland: +353 (0) 14 845 983
Italy: +39 0 553 98 95 69
Netherlands: +31 (0) 208 080 385
New Zealand: +64 (0) 4 974 7216
Norway: +47 21 04 29 13
Spain: +34 955 32 9911
Sweden: +46 (0) 313 613 559
Switzerland: +41 (0) 225 3314 55
United Kingdom: +44 (0) 207 151 1805
United States: +1 (213) 289-0030
Approved: 10/17/2011 | Vote Thread
Conduct events to support the OWASP mission around the world
a. Conduct 4 Global AppSec, 10 Regional and 15 Local events,
b. Hold an OWASP Summit in 2013 with over 250 attendees,
c. Support Loss-Leader events in North America, South America, Asia, Europe
Generate $250000 in profits from events
Support the OWASP mission at non-owasp events
a. 25 Promotional events
b. 2 Developer event outreach
c. Booth in a box program
Provide better support for OWASP event planners
a. Centralized providers for Video, Equipment Rental, Online messaging, Website Hosting
b. Central feedback on speakers, events & training
c. Professional Marketing + lead generation
d. Graphics design
e. Con-Network in a box
Recruit regional participation in the committee
a. Desired committee composition at least 1 US, 1 EU, 1 LATAM, 1 Asiapac
b. Strengthen participation requirements in governance (meeting attendance 75%), Liaison requirement
Budget Request
- Expenses: $291,800 (GCC initiatives = $126,800)
- Loss-leader events $25,000
- 2013 Summit $140,000
- Outreach Support $24,000
- GCC Technology $21,500
- Travel $15,500
- Operational Support $20,800
- OWASP Track $20,000
- Marketing $25,000
- Income: $296,000
- Global AppSec Conferences $225,000
- Regional Conferences $69,000
- Local Events $2,000
- Net: $4,200
2011 Goals
2011 Comprehensive Committee Plan | 2010 Plan
- Have a Global Appsec in NA, SA, EU, Asia in 2011
- Promote OWASP Projects/Initiatives at OWASP Conferences
- Enhance Services for Conference Planners
- Reach out to developers (have 20% of attendees in a dev position)
- Reach out to non-members (have 70% of attendees at cons non-members)
- Bring more into the fold (Generate 300 new/renewed members at conferences)
- Streamline Sponsorships (Global Conference Sponsors, Targeted Conference Sponsors)
- Revise GCC Governance
- Have a profit of $200k in 2011 across all conferences
Major Initiatives
Initiative | Priority | Associated Goals | Description | Status | Deadline | Assignees |
Revise GCC Governance | 1 | 8 | Generate self governance document for voting rules, quorum and other functional committee requirements | Complete - Global Conferences Committee Governance | January 2011 | All Committee Members |
OWASP Conference Management System (help) | 1 | 1, 3 | Develop a system to take in applications for all non-chapter meeting events, vet them, and schedule them. This system shall serve as the "official" registration path for all events and allow the GCC to get a firm grip on the OWASP Event Calendar. | Preparing for Release | Release - 3/5/2011 | Mark (Code), Lucas & Neil (Alpha Testing, Requirements) |
OWASP Global Conference Sponsors | 2 | 3, 7 | Provide unified sponsorship mechanism for all Global AppSec conferences. This will help us plan our conference revenue annually and help sponsors plan for their spending (identified as an issue by several vendors). This is intended to augment, not replace individual conference sponsorships. | Released 2011 Global Sponsorship Packages | Feb 2011 | Richard, All Review |
OWASP AppSec Track | 3 | 2 | Joint venture with the GPC. The track would consist of a cadre (10-20) of speakers from inew/high profile OWASP projects. The GCC would manage these speakers through an internal call for papers that would be vetted by the GCC/GPC for some of our best speakers from high profile projects. As a new conference requests an OWASP Speaking track (or for Global AppSec conferences, this will be required) the GCC would reach out to the selected presenters to verify their availability for the event and provide a list of 6-7 speakers to the local event coordinators for the schedule. | Planning for AppSecUSA release in Sept. | June 2011 | Ralph |
OWASP Marketing at Conferences | 3 | 4,5,6 | Promote OWASP at targeted industry and developer events. Provide OWASP support and schwag for OWASP booths at other conferences | Applications accepted via OCMS | In progress | Mark |
OWASP Conference Marketing - Attendees | 3 | 4,5,6 | Provide additional mechanisms for marketing conferences to attendees | None | TBD | Neil |
OWASP Conference Marketing - Sponsors | 3 | 4,5,6 | Provide additional mechanisms for marketing conferences to Sponsors | None | TBD | Neil, Richard |
Conference Web Marketing | 4 | 3 | Obtain Twitter accounts, domain names, and email addresses for use by approved conferences. See Conference Planner Resources | Complete | Complete | Mark |
Central Conference Support Services | 4 | 3 | RegOnline is setup. Investigate costs for hiring a conference organizer. | RegOnline - Complete Conference Organizer - Investigate |
TBD | All |
OWASP Short URLS | 5 | 3 | Provide short URLs on the OWASP website (e.g. to make it easier to access content on the wiki, especially in emails and the like | Need to investigate with Larry | TBD | Ralph |
Regional targeted mailing lists | 5 | 3 | Provide email lists for targeted, regional email distributions. Only GlobalAppSec conferences will be advertised on OWASP-ALL | Need to investigate leveraging Salesforce for this. | TBD | Ralph |
OWASP Merchandise Model | 6 | 3,9 | Provide OWASP Merchandise for sale at conferences | May be a bit OBE as Kate has established something similar already. May just need an "inventory" we can send places. | TBD | None |
How to Host a Conference - The comprehensive guide for hosting an OWASP event.
Access to any/all of these resources must be first pre-coordinated with the Foundation via the OWASP Conference Management System (OCMS) Portal. All requests for assistance need to go through this system for review and approval.
OWASP Registration System - OWASP is now using an event interfaceOfficial OWASP Event registration system for ALL OWASP events (Conferences, Events and Chapter Meetings) contact us for more information.
Pre-Negotiated hotel contracts
- Table top tripod (4)
- 1.8 m SVGA Cable
- 2m cable video DVI/HDMI (2)
- MacBook air micro-DVI to video adapter
- Motorola radios (10)
- Net gear N150 wireless USB Adapter
- Preferred US rental provider: CRS
To request general OWASP Promotional Materials, fill out this Google Form.
via Free OWASP Banner Ads
via Articles and mentions in the OWASP Newsletter
via OWASP Twitter Accounts (@OWASPConference, @OWASP)
AppSec Sample Conference Wiki Page
Web Presence/Social Media
Region | URL(s) | Emails | |||||||||||||||||||
Europe |
Latin America |
North America |
OWASP Video Cameras
OWASP Currently owns 5 sets of consumer grade video cameras (Canon VIXIA HF M300), tri-pods, memory cards, and audio connection equipment. For examples of the video taken from these cameras see the AppSec DC Vimeo stream. The cameras can shoot HD Video and have an audio input jack for taking in a house line. The system also has a QNAP TS-459 PRO network attached storage device that can be used for on-site reliable storage and backup of the video.
- Turbo NAS TS-459 pro (for on-site redundant storage)
- Seagate Barracuda 1.5TB Hard Drives (for NAS)
- Final Cut express
- In Each Camera Kit
- Canon VIXIA HF M300
- 8 Kingston 16 GB Class 4 SDHC Flash Memory Card
- Pelican 0910-010-110 Secure Digital Memory Card Case
- AVerTV Hybrid Volar HD (enables streaming via a computer)
- Current converter
- 60" Tripod
Contact us for more information.
Video Editing/Post Processing via IEHD Productions
Contact [email protected] or Mark Bristow for more information
Service Name | Description | Rate |
Basic Post-Production |
$40.00 per finished presenter of approx. 60 minutes with no minimum |
Full Post-Production |
and other key sources. (client provided notations for slide transitions) |
$60.00 per finished presenter of approx. 60 minutes with no minimum |
On site Video Production |
Completion/turn around model 30+ speakers with production and/or post production is 4-6 weeks with projects uploading starting second week after conference end. Smaller or larger conferences/projects are adjusted accordingly.
Budget Management
Conference Budget Planning Tool
OWASP Global Conference Sponsors
Institutional knowledge about past sponsors and sponsorships
Presentations and Training
Call For Training proposal template.
To request general OWASP Promotional Materials, fill out this Google Form.
Event planners are welcome to use any vendor that they feel can provide appropriate items for their conference. However OWASP has relationships with the following vendors that can ease the process.
Konik - Preferred SCHWAG Vendor
Rocksports - Preferred apparel Vendor
OWASP Store - Merchandise for sale at conferences
If you have questions or require an exception to any of these please contact the OWASP Staff.
Policy | Applicability |
All content must be vendor neutral | All Events - Core Value |
All content must be made available to the public after the conference | All Events - Core Value |
All calls for papers, training and registration must be open and promoted to the public | All Events - Core Value |
Selecting Committee Members (Training or Papers) must not submit | All Events |
Use the conference website/wikipage to submit papers. It must supports blind paper submissions. | All Events |
All events must be conducted in a manner consistent with the OWASP Mission, Principles and Code of Ethics | All Events - Core Value |
OWASP Event Definitions | All Events |
OWASP Event Requirements | All Events |
Local host chapters will share in OWASP event profits under the following schedule. In the case of multiple host chapters, the host chapters will be responsible for determining the division before the event. Policy Document
All Events |
All OWASP Events must be coordinated with OWASP Foundation Staff by submitting an events description via OCMS. An approval that the event will be posted on the OWASP Wiki and Event announcement webpage will be sent from the OCMS input. Any request for funding support must follow normal funding request procedures separate from the OCMS submission. | All Events |
Events must have an OWASP Wiki Page, or a webpage showing the OWASP logo and be linked to the OWASP wiki Events Pages | All Events |
Only OWASP Board members or their designates may enter into contracts on behalf of the foundation | All Events |
All finances must be handled by the OWASP Foundation | All Events |
Complimentary conference admissions are provided to speakers, volunteers, staff, Global Board members and active OWASP Leaders.
A “Leader” is defined as a chapter or project leader that is clearly identified on the chapter or project wiki page AND has been documented as a leader in the Foundation’s records. If a leader registers for a conference complimentary ticket but does not appear for the conference, the chapter will be charged 60% of the retail cost of a conference ticket. |
All Events |
OWASP individual members in good standing shall receive $50 off admission to all OWASP events charging more than $50 entry fee. | All Events |
A complete budget must be submitted if the event requires any funds from the OWASP Foundation and funding requests will be reviewed and approved by OWASP Executive Director. Please submit a requests via our Contact Us link on the OWASP Wiki homepage. | Regional/Theme Conferences |
An OWASP leader should be invited to provide welcome and state of the union. | All Events |
Global AppSec Conferences must include training | Global AppSec Conferences |
Global AppSec Conferences must charge an admission fee | Global AppSec Conferences |
Sessions must be recorded and posted to the public after the conference | Global AppSec Conferences |
There must be at least one networking event at the conference | Global AppSec Conferences |
All Training providers are required to sign a Training Instructor Agreement | Training |
Training revenue will be split 60/40 (OWASP/Training Provider) | Training |
Each training class allows for two complimentary seats to be made available to OWASP Leaders. This must be included in the Training Instructor Agreement. These are available on a first come basis. Only one training seat per session is allowed per chapter to allow for diversity in distribution of seats.
If a leader registers for a complimentary training seat but does not attend the full training session the chapter will be charged 60% of the retail cost of the training session and the leader will not be given a complimentary ticket (conference or training sessions) for any other Global AppSec events in the following year. |
Training |
Speakers must sign a Speaker Agreement | Speakers |
Speakers will not receive compensation for their speaking engagement | Speakers |
Event organizers must reach out to the WIA program to assist with the program committee and to help find suitable keynote and invited speakers. | Global AppSec Conferences & Regional Events |
Event organizers must send an open call for participation for volunteers, papers committee. | Global AppSec Conferences & Regional Events |
Event organizers should encourage all training and CFP proposals to go through the “Talk bootcamp” process. | Global AppSec Conferences & Regional Events |
WIA initiative should lead a search for women keynotes, featured, panel speakers. | Global AppSec Conferences & Regional Events |
Event organizers and WIA initiative should reach out to women speaker lists to encourage training proposals and speakers to submit through the normal CFP process. If there is to be a women in AppSec panels to be organized, the WIA initiative must be involved and feature predominantly women panelists. | Global AppSec Conferences & Regional Events |
These aren’t quotas, but a goal. Global events organizers are free to exceed these metrics.
*At least 10% of the program committee must be women, and must include the WIA initiative members *At least 50% of keynotes and featured speakers must be women *At least 25% of panel participants must be women. If there are no women participants, the panel should be cancelled. *At least 10% of talks must be women If these metrics cannot be reached, the organizing committee should reach out to the Conference Manager for assistance, and must apply for an exception if they can’t be reached after all avenues have been exhausted. |
Global AppSec Conferences |
These aren’t quotas, but an aspiration goal for regional events. Organizers are free to exceed these metrics.
*At least one of the program / papers committee must be a woman, and should include the WIA initiative members *At least one of keynotes, featured and invited speakers must be a woman *At least 25% of panel participants should be women. If a panel has no women participants, it should be cancelled *At least 10% of talks chosen should be women speakers |
Regional Events |
As one of their 2011 initiatives, the Global Conferences Committee started a Conference Liaison Program, where a member of the committee is paired with each of the Global AppSec organizing teams in order to assist them with their planning process as well as attend the conference to help trouble shoot any issues and sign necessary paperwork.
The following duties were initially set forth for the GCC liaison:
The GCC member shall:
- interface with the local planning committee at least 1 month before trip (attend planning call)
- Interact with planners/attendees while at conference
- Interact with Sponsors
- Sign conference contracts under $20,000 (once approved)
At the GCC meeting following the event, the traveling member will be expected to provide an post trip report covering:
- Assessment of facility
- Event Marketing Strategy
- Examination of Event Budget
- Estimation of Speaker Quality
- Sponsor engagement/cost-effectiveness & feedback
- Any notable comments from planners/attendees
- Any unique outstanding elements
- Any issues
Event Name | Event Location | Date | GCC Liaison | Post-Event Report |
AppSec EU 2011 | Dublin, Ireland | June 7-10, 2011 | Ralph Durkee | AppSecEU Liaison Report |
AppSec North America 2011 | Minneapolis, MN, USA | Sept. 20-23, 2011 | Mark Bristow | AppSecNA Liaison Report |
AppSec Latin America 2011 | Porto Alegre, Brazil | Oct. 4-7, 2011 | Lucas Ferreira | AppSecLatam Liaison Report |
AppSec Asia 2011 | Beijing, China | Nov. 8-11, 2011 | Lucas Ferreira | AppSec Asia Liaison Report |
AppSec Asia 2011 | Beijing, China | Nov. 8-11, 2011 | Sarah Baso (GCC Admin) | AppSec Asia Event Report* |
AppSec Asia 2012 | Sydney, Australia | Spring, 2012 | Mohd Fazli Azran | AppSec APAC 2012 Event Report |
AppSec Europe 2012 | Athens, Greece | July 9-13, 2012 | John Wilander | |
AppSec North America 2012 | Austin, Texas, USA | Oct. 22-26, 2012 | Lorna Alamri | |
AppSec Latin America 2012 | Buenos Aires, Argentina | Nov. 2012 | Fabio Cerullo | |
Mailing List | Archives - Official Global Conferences Committee Mailing list. Used for all GCC communications and meeting announcements.
Global Conference Committee Budget
Meeting Minutes
Committee meeting minutes - Committee Meeting minutes taken by the GCC Chair at each GCC meeting.
Contracts/Partnership agreement archive
Conference Sponsorship
Consider the value of an Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member?
2015 Sponsorship Documents
2014 Sponsorship Documents
2013 Sponsorship Documents
2012 Sponsorship Documents
Global Sponsorships:
Individual Event Sponsorships:
- AppSec India 2012 - Delhi, India
- AppSec North America (USA) 2012 - Austin, Texas
- AppSec Latam 2012 - Montevideo, Uruguay
- AppSec China 2012
Archived Event Documents:
- AppSec DC 2012 - Washington DC, AppSec DC Sponsor Information Pack
- AppSec Asia Pacific 2012 - Sydney, Australia
- AppSec Research 2012 - Athens, Greece
Event Management
OWASP Conference Management System
Google Form for requesting general OWASP schwag/promotional materials.
Voting Record
Current Global Conferences Committee Members:
- Mark Bristow (chair) - MB
- John Wilander - JW
- Richard Greenberg - RG
- Ralph Durkee - RD
- Lucas Ferreira - LF
- Mohd Fazli Azran - MFA
Ben Tomhave - BTresigned 25-July-2011-
Neil Matatall - NMResigned 17-Sep-2011 -
Cassio Goldschmidt - CGResigned 23-Nov-2011 - Lorna Alamri - LA, new 14-Mar-2012
- Benny Ketelslegers - BK, new 5/3/2012
Note - Tracking started as of 7/15/2011 on this page (previous voting records can be found in the Global Conference Committee Meeting Minutes
2011 Voting Records
Date vote proposed | Details on item for proposed vote | Yes Votes | No Votes | Pass/Fail | Decision Date | Thread on mailing list |
15-July-2011 | GCC pay for 50% of Sarah Baso's travel to AppSec LATAM in order to support their event (other 50% to be paid by Chapters Committee) | 5 of 9 MB, BT, LF, MFA, RD |
Pass | 19-July-2011 | Link to request for vote Link to final vote | |
8-Aug-2011 | ISSA International Co-Marketing Agreement | 8 of 8 MB, RG, NM, LF, RD, JW, MFA, CG |
Pass | 10-Aug-2011 | Link to final vote | |
28-Aug-2011 | Automatic Approvals of Events in OCMS | 6 of 8 MB, JW, RD, NM, MFA, LF |
Pass | 29-Aug-2011 | Link to vote details | |
26-Sept-2011 | Change to GCC Air Travel Policy | 6 of 7 MB, RG, LF, RD, MFA, CG |
Pass | 27-Sept-2011 | Link to vote details | |
09-Oct-2011 | Creation of GCC Hotel Travel Policy | 4 of 7 MB, LF, CG, MFA, RD |
Pass | 10-Oct-2011 | Link to vote details | |
09-Oct-2011 | 2012 Committee Goals | MB, MFA, LF | Goals amended for re-vote | Link to vote details | ||
10-Oct-2011 | 2012 Committee Goals Amended: Desired committee composition at least 1 US, 1 EU, 1 LATAM, 1 Asiapac |
MB, MFA, LF, JW, RG, CG, RD | Pass | 17-Oct-2011 | Link to final vote | |
28-Nov-2011 | Purchase 1 year subscription to Survey Monkey (Gold Plan - $300)to standardize/track event feedback | MB, JW, RD, RG | LF, MFA, CG (all 3 did not submit a vote) | Pass | 28-Nov-2011 | JW & MB Vote, RG & RD Vote |
16-Jan-2012 | Vote of Confidence - re-elect Mark as GCC Chair for 2012 | LF, JW, RD, RG | MB (Abstain), MFA (did not vote) | Passes | 16-Jan-2012 | Jan 2012 GCC Meeting Minutes |
16-Jan-2012 | Grant exception to GCC Attendance Governance Rules for JW and MFA | LF, MB, RD, RG | JW & MFA (abstain) | Passes | 16-Jan-2012 | Jan 2012 GCC Meeting Minutes |
22-Jan-2012 | Approve allocation of $40,000 Conference Committee Budget | MB, LF, JW, MFA | RD, RG (did not vote) | Passes | 30-Jan-2012 | Conference Committee Budget |
14-March-2012 | Approve Lorna Alamri's Application to join GCC | MB, LF, RG, RD | JW, MFA (no vote submitted) | Passes | 14-March-2012 | March 2012 Meeting Minutes |
14-March-2012 | Vote to confirm 2013 Summit venue as Cruise | MB, LF, RG, RD, LA | JW, MFA (no vote submitted) | Passes | 14-March-2012 | March 2012 Meeting Minutes |
3-May-2012 | Vote to confirm Benny Ketelslegers as new GCC Member | MB, RG, RD, LA, MFA | JW(no vote submitted) | Passes | 3-May-2012 | May 2012 Meeting Minutes |