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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
09:55, 14 January 2015 141112 CS-Tag 7.pdf (file) 13.22 MB German Language: "Hacker-Typen und Hacker-Angriffe" Über vorsätzlich handelnde Angreifer im Cyberraum: Wer, wie und warum. Ralf Reinhardt 1
09:28, 14 January 2015 Vortrag-OWASPStammtischSep2014.pdf (file) 225 KB German language, talk about (static) source code analysis (SCA): "XSS und andere Sicherheitslücken aus der Perspektive des Programmcodes" von Thomas Schön 1
09:24, 14 January 2015 2014-07-bleichenbacher-ssl.pdf (file) 605 KB Revisiting SSL/TLS Implementations: New Bleichenbacher Side Channels and Attacks Paper accepted at Usenix Security 2014 Authors: Christopher Meyer, Juraj Somorovsky, Eugen Weiss, Jörg Schwenk, Sebastian Schinzel, Erik Tews Describes new side channels... 1
14:08, 13 May 2014 How NSA activities affect our daily life handout.pdf (file) 15.69 MB Dr. Gregor Kuznik, Version 1,0 English / April 2014 "The past of the internet is the most important reason why weakness right from the design or planning stage keeps privacy and security at a low level and why there's neither governmental nor commerci... 1
11:24, 13 March 2014 Folien-sslstrip-HSTS.pdf (file) 1.77 MB Munich OWASP regulars table, talk 02/18/2014, German language "Der Vortrag gibt eine kurze Einführung in das Angriffstool sslstrip und der Gegenmaßnahmen im Form des HTTP-Headers HSTS. Zusätzlich wird eine Studie zur Verbreitung des HSTS-Headers vor... 1
15:50, 4 July 2013 Advanced XSS.pdf (file) 393 KB "Basic Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks are well understood and easy to defend from. Yet, there still are XSS flaws being found on high-profile sites like and Join me in a short talk about advanced techniques showing the reasons 1
10:19, 11 June 2013 Thesis Anomalieerkennung in HTTP-Daten.pdf (file) 627 KB Vortrag von Michael Kirchner zum OWASP Stammtisch München im November 2010 1
10:14, 11 June 2013 Top Ten Defenses v9.ppt (file) 3.11 MB Jim Manico's talk at the Munich OWASP Stammtisch Meeting, May 14, 2013 1
13:38, 15 April 2013 OWASP MUC csp lightning-talk.pdf (file) 160 KB   1
13:36, 15 April 2013 OWASP MUC Burp Plugin.pdf (file) 800 KB   1