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Reimbursement Process Details

Revision as of 15:00, 26 April 2019 by Hblankenship (talk | contribs)

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OWASP Service Desk (OSD) Reimbursement Details.

OWASP Service Desk

From a very high level, the process is as follows:

  1. Submitter determines the need for reimbursement pre-approval
  2. A submitter completes the reimbursement or pre-approval request
  3. Within 72 hours a staff member initiates work on the request
  4. A staff member sanity checks the request and adds the budget owner(s) to the request to get their approval of the expense. For requests against Chapter and/or Project funds,
    1. A single leader is needed for requests less than $500 USD
    2. Two leaders are needed for requests greater than $500 USD
  5. The leader(s) approve/deny the requests via comments on the request
  6. Staff changes the status to approved and
    1. assigns the request to the accounting team for reimbursements or
    2. marks the request as done for pre-approvals
  7. The accounting team requests any additional information to make the payment (if needed) and pays the submitter within 22 days for approved requests, marking the request paid.

During the entire process, the submitter and those involved are notified via email of changes to the request and can log into OWASP Service Desk at any time to see all of their requests and the status of those requests.

There are several actors in this reimbursement drama and we've created screenshot-heavy documentation for each at the links below:

Need to see your past requests or ones you've been added to? Check out this doc

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