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Global Chapter Committee

Revision as of 15:01, 17 September 2012 by KateHartmann (talk | contribs)

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Mission Statement

To provide the support required by the local chapters to thrive and contribute to the overall mission and goals of OWASP.

Committee Governance

Global Chapters Committee Governance Policies

Committee Members

Name Email Telephone Skype Location Time Zone
Tin Zaw tin.zaw 'at' owasp dot org +1.213.973.9295 tzaw.rr USA UTC -8/-7 (DST)
Seba Deleersnyder seba 'at' owasp dot org +32.478.504.117 seba.deleersnyder Belgium UTC +1
L. Gustavo C. Barbato lgbarbato 'at' owasp dot org lgbarbato Brazil
Josh Sokol § josh.sokol 'at' owasp dot org +1.512.619.6716 jsokol79 Austin, TX, USA UTC -6/-5 (DST)
Ivy Zhang ivy'at' owasp dot org dot cn China UTC +8

§ As of January 2012, committee chair is Josh Sokol. Tin Zaw previously held this position.

Committee Operational Support:

Name Email Telephone Skype Location Time Zone
Sarah Baso Contact Us +1.312.869.2779 sarah.baso USA UTC -6/-5 (DST)

How to join this committee

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