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Welcome to the OWASP Norway Local Chapter

Welcome to the local Norway chapter homepage. The chapter leader is Erlend Oftedal. <paypal>Norway</paypal>

Se hvem som sitter i Norway Chapter styret og les Norway Chapter vedtekter. OWASP Norway Chapter er registrert i Bønnøysund med organisasjonsnummer 994 253 085.


OWASP chapter meetings are free and open to anyone interested in application security. We encourage members to give presentations on specific topics and to contribute to the local chapter by sharing their knowledge with others. Prior to participating with OWASP please review the Chapter Rules.

To join the chapter mailing list, please visit our mailing list homepage. The list is used to discuss the meetings and to arrange meeting locations. You can also review the email archives to see what folks have been talking about. Please check the mailing list before coming to a meeting to confirm the location and time and to catch any last minute notes.

Medlemsmøter 2012

OWASP Norway - Hall of fame

Forslagskasse for tema

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Neste møte

Medlemsmøte: 19. mars, kl TBA

Ansvarlig: Erlend Oftedal , Sponsor: F5, Adresse: TBA, Påmelding: klikk her

"Web Application Access Control Design Excellence", Jim Manico

Access Control is a necessary security control at almost every layer within a web application. This talk will discuss several of the key access control anti-patterns commonly found during website security audits. These access control anti-patterns include hard-coded security policies, lack of horizontal access control, and "fail open" access control mechanisms. In reviewing these and other access control problems, we will discuss and design a positive access control mechanism that is data contextual, activity based, configurable, flexible, and deny-by-default - among other positive design attributes that make up a robust web-based access-control mechanism.

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