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Minneapolis St Paul

Revision as of 02:54, 4 December 2009 by Webappsecguy (talk | contribs) (Adding social bookmarking for Robert Zigweid registration.)

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OWASP Minneapolis-St. Paul (OWASP MSP)

Welcome to the Minneapolis-St. Paul (OWASP MSP) chapter homepage. The chapter president is Kuai Hinojosa, the vice president is Lorna Alamri, and the transitional president is Adam Baso.

The OWASP Minneapolis-St. Paul (OWASP MSP) chapter held an afternoon of information security presentations on August 24, 2009 at the St. Paul Student Center Auditorium/Theater on the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities campus. Visit the conference page for a recap or watch the video at Vimeo.

Up Next: REGISTER NOW for the Monday, December 14, 2009 local chapter meeting - Robert Zigweid - Threat Modeling: Learn to Optimize Your Security Budget (room opens at 5:30 PM Central Time, speaker at 6:30 PM Central Time) - see below for details.


OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.


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Or consider the value of Individual, Organization, or Accredited University Supporter membership to contribute to better application security in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area, surrounding Twin Cities metropolitan region, greater Minnesota, and the global software community.

Platinum Sponsors

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The OWASP MSP chapter is very thankful for

Meetings and More

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Monday, December 14, 2009 - Robert Zigweid
Threat Modeling: Learn to Optimize Your Security Budget


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Date: December 14th, 2009

Location / Venue Sponsor: UAW-Ford-MnSCU Training Center, 966 S Mississippi River Blvd, Saint Paul MN 55116

Map and Directions: Google Maps


5:30 PM Room opens for networking

6:00 PM Welcome: OWASP chapter updates

6:30 PM Robert Zigweid - Threat Modeling: Learn to Optimize Your Security Budget

8:00 PM - Upcoming events reminder and meeting wrap-up

Thank You: Center for Strategic IT & Security for sponsoring our meeting location. Please contact Lorna at or 651-338-0243 if you would like to sponsor a meeting or meeting location for an upcoming OWASP meeting.

Speaker Topic:

Robert will be speaking on the critical area of threat modeling within a secure development lifecycle. He will discuss the pros and cons of a variety of approaches including the threat modeling in the Microsoft SDL and the STRIDE approach to threat modeling.

Speaker Bio:

Robert Zigweid is an accomplished developer and application tester with advanced skills in the creation and analysis of systems architecture and threat modeling. As a Senior Security Consultant at IOActive, he works with clients to discover and solve network and application problems that threaten their business goals and assets. In addition to his direct efforts on penetration tests, security reviews, and network and application audits, Zigweid contributes to the advancement of more stable, secure systems through his research and development. He was a co-founder of OSJava, is working on a JDBC driver and more robust Java class loader, and has conducted groundbreaking research that will further the formal understanding of application and network security for audiences at varying levels of technical fluency.

Stay Updated

Click here to join the local chapter mailing list

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Secure360 is an annual conference providing high quality educational sessions and networking opportunities while working to identify developing trends in risk management, physical security, governance, audit, information security, contingency planning and human capital.

DC612 Meetings

DC612 meets the 2nd Thursday of the month


Videos of several past meetings are available at OWASPMSP_Videos and OWASP MSP Vimeo Channel

Most Recent Content

Chris Nickerson - Red Team Testing - 5 October, 2009 (78 Minutes) Vimeo Video Direct Link

Ryan Barnett - The Web Hacking Incidents Database (WHID), Bi-Annual Report 2009 (January - June) - OWASP (MSP) - 21 September 2009 (81 minutes) Vimeo Video | PDF

OWASP Minneapolis-St. Paul 2009 Half-day Conference - 24 August 2009 - Watch the video at Vimeo

Robert Sullivan - Open This First: A job-oriented guide to software security resources - OWASP (MSP) - 27 July 2009 (68 minutes) MP3 | PDF | MP4...please right click and save | More Material

Cassio Goldschmidt - Tracking the Progress of an SDL Program: Lessons from the Gym - OWASP (MSP) - 29 June 2009 (55 minutes) Slidecast | MP3 | PPTX | MP4...please right click and save

Gunnar Peterson - OWASP Top Ten Web Services - OWASP (MSP) - 27 April 2009 (1 hour, 27 minutes) MP4...please right click and save | Slides Forthcoming

Dan Cornell - Vulnerability Management in an Application Security World - OWASP (MSP) - 16 March 2009 (1 hour, 52 minutes) Google Video | PDF

Previous Events

OWASP Minneapolis-St. Paul 2009 Half Day Conference - August 24, 2009

Thanks again for another year to all who joined us for an afternoon of information security presentations on August 24, 2009 at the St. Paul Student Center Auditorium/Theater on the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities campus. Visit the conference page for a recap or watch the video at Vimeo.

OWASP & FLOSS Application Security Mini-Conference 2008 - October 21, 2008

Thanks to all who joined us on October 21, 2008 for a mini conference in October 2008 at University of Minnesota's Saint Paul campus. Our first conference was a great success, with around 150 people attending! We were fortunate to have even higher attendance in 2009.

Chapter Leaders/Contacts

President: Kuai Hinojosa

Vice President: Lorna Alamri

Transitional President: Adam Baso

Board Member and Former OWASP MSP President: Robert Sullivan

Board Member: David Bryan

Board Member: Joe T