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Chapter Handbook/Chapter 6: Chapter Activity

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Chapter Activity Requirements

Chapters must hold at least 4 meetings per year. Virtual meetings held via GotoMeeting or other online forum, do count towards this activity requirement as long as the event is free and open to attendees.

Inactive Chapters

A chapter will be tagged as inactive if they have not hosted a meeting or event in over a year. Additionally any chapter leaders will be removed from their position.

If a leader has abandoned their chapter (left without finding a replacement leader) and no one has stepped up to take on the role, the chapter may also be tagged as inactive.

Reporting an inactive chapter - If you think a chapter is inactive and are interested in helping out, we recommend reaching out to the chapter leader or board listed on the chapter’s wiki page as a starting point. They may welcome you to take over the reins or let you know the status of the chapter.

Every effort will be made to reach out to the chapter leader before a chapter is marked inactive. Chapter leaders will be given seven days to respond before the chapter is marked inactive.

If a chapter appears to be inactive, or in danger of becoming inactive, and the chapter leader is unresponsive or unwilling to accept support, please report it to us via the contact form so that we can follow up. If you feel the current leadership is not performing up to OWASP standards or have other concerns about chapter leadership, refer to Section 5.6: Disputes for resolution procedures. Confidentiality will be maintained where possible.

Restarting an Inactive Chapter

The process for restarting an inactive chapter is the same as starting a new chapter. Instead of a new wiki page and mailing list being created, however, the new chapter leader will be listed on the existing wiki page and given administrative access to the mailing list.

Call for Help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Many chapter leaders have been in a situation where they wish they had more guidance on raising money, finding venues, finding speakers, attracting more members, and even handling conflicts within the chapters. The [[Mailto:|]] list was created especially for chapter leaders seeking advice or support of fellow chapter leaders. The is also a good option if you are looking to reach a wide range of OWASP supporters.

Many OWASP chapters have set up regional lists to facilitate communication with leaders in their close vicinity or regarding local issues.

Also, the OWASP Operational Team is available to support chapters and help generate solutions. They can be reached through the contact us form. The OWASP Community Manager has a wealth of knowledge and resources available for your assistance.