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Category:OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set Project

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OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS)

The 1st Line of Defense Against Web Application Attacks

The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) is a set of generic attack detection rules for use with ModSecurity or compatible web application firewalls. The CRS aims to protect web applications from a wide range of attacks, including the OWASP Top Ten, with a minimum of false alerts. The CRS provides protection against many common attack categories, including SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, Locale File Inclusion, etc.

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The offical website of the project can be found at


Getting Started / Tutorials

The following tutorials will get you started with ModSecurity and the CRS v3.

These tutorials are part of a big series of Apache / ModSecurity guides published by netnea. They are written by Christian Folini.

More Information about the rule set is available at the official website,


OWASP ModSecurity CRS is free to use. It is licensed under the Apache Software License version 2 (ASLv2), so you can copy, distribute and transmit the work, and you can adapt it, and use it commercially, but all provided that you attribute the work and if you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.

Reporting Issues

  • If you think you've found a false positive in commercially available software and want us to take a look, submit an issue on our Github
  • Have you found a false negative/bypass? We'd love to hear about it - please responsibly disclose it to

Project Sponsors

Trustwave Avi Networks cPanel, Inc
SpiderLabs Logo 2011.JPG Avi Networks.jpg CPanel logo.svg.png


Social Channels

Twitter @CoreRuleSet

OWASP CRS Mailing List

Project Members

Project Leaders:


  • Christoph Hansen
  • Felipe 'Zimmerle' Costa
  • Franziska Bühler
  • Victor Hora
  • Federico Schwindt
  • Felipe Zipitría
  • Manuel Spartan

Quick Download

Installation Tutorial

Docker Image

Source Code Repo

GitHub Project

News and Events

We publish a monthly newsletter on the official website at


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License: ASLv2
Project Type Files CODE.jpg

<paypal>ModSecurity Core Rule Set Project</paypal>