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OWASP Jakarta, Indonesia

Welcome to the Jakarta, Indonesia chapter homepage. The chapter leader is Ade Yoseman Putra


OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.


Btn donate SM.gif to this chapter or become a local chapter supporter. Or consider the value of Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member? Join Now BlueIcon.JPG

 OWASP Jakarta Chapter - An Indonesian Chapter

OWASP Jakarta Chapter now officially continues and representative as OWASP Indonesia. It was non-profit organization. We are pleasure and welcome to all Indonesian to join us and share the knowledge, skill, idea and related to make OWASP Jakarta Project are benefit to everybody. OWASP Jakarta Project as well are the pioneer project for Web Security Application. Any private sector want to contribute and sponsor are welcome.

We have the motto "Let Growing Together with OWASP Foundation #OWASP Jakarta #OWASP Indonesia"

Please Donate Our Chapter
Btn donate SM.gif

Stay in contact:

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Stay Updated

Join our low traffic mailing list for event information

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For all new members and existing member please free to contribute to OWASP Jakarta Chapter and if you are commitment to help OWASP Jakarta please subscribe OWASP Membership for individual. For Corporate sponsor OWASP Jakarta please to contact OWASP Admin. We still open Recruitment to join with us. if you interested feel free for contact me.
We are welcome to join our conversation. If any query don't hesitate to contact OWASP Admin. Everyone is welcome to join us at our chapter meetings.

NOTE: OWASP now promote for who want to become Official Members for Jakarta Chapter. You can get special rate and discount and get email with 25GB space. Please register at here as individual(Memberships) and to see the example how to (REGISTER) OWASP Memberships


Past Security Events


National Seminar of Research & Development Id-SIRTII/CC 2017, Hotel Grand Tjokro Bandung West Java Indonesia Theme : Tren IOT & Mobile System 27 July 2017

Taiwan International Information Security Organization Summit 2017 OWASP DAY TAIWAN 2017 11 - 13 July 2017

OWASP Summit 2017 London, England [Participants from OWASP Jakarta Chapter is Ade Yoseman, Petty Meisari & Mohammad Febri Ramadlan ] 12-16 June 2017

Blackhat Asia Singapore 2017 @Arsenal, Blackhat Asia Singapore 2017 30 - 31 March 2017


OWASP DAY KL 2016 Malaysia OWASPKL2016 15 - 17 November 2016


in December 2016, Ade Yoseman reactive OWASP Indonesia

Project Volunteering

OWASP Juice Shop UI v2.21.1 available in Indonesian language! 🇮🇩 (Preview: [OWASP Juice Shop]) download

Project On Progress

Here the lists Project have been submit by OWASP JAKARTA Chapter Projects Members
OWASP Jakarta Projects


OWASP SecureTea Project
OWASP Risk Rating Management


Help us to make application security visible and become a supporter of the OWASP or our Chapter in Indonesia. All information about becoming a member/sponsor can be found here.

If your company is interested in supporting us directly, please contact Ade Yoseman Putra to talk about the following sponsoring possibilities.

Chapter Supporter
Single Meeting Supporter
Facility Sponsor
Organization Supporters (allocating 40% of your annual donation to our Chapter)

Local Chapter Supporter



Government Agency


Next Meetup

OWASP Jakarta Q4 2017 Meetup
19:00 - 22:00
Tue, Nov 21, 2017

Menara BTPN - CBD Mega Kuningan
Jl. Dr. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav. 5.5 – 5.6 Jakarta 12950
OWASP Jakarta Will be held meetup at

Menara BTPN, 27 th floor - CBD Mega Kuningan
Jl. Dr. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav. 5.5 – 5.6
Jakarta 12950

Theme : Application Security in Owasp top 10 2017

When :
at Q1 21th november 2017
From 19:00 pm - 22:00 pm

Register Here


  • Secure coding practices with golang
    by sulhaedir (IT Security Spesialis at Tokopedia)
  • Modern Web Penetration Testing with OWASP Top 10 2017
    by Rahmat Nurfauzi




Sulhaedir have 6 years experience in information security. he work as security specialist at TOKOPEDIA. he also Security research in nemosecurity

Workshop OWASP at "Sofware Freedom Day 2017"
Sofware freedom day 2017.jpg

workshop with KSL UBL "improving Security Attack and Defense with OWASP"

when : Sat, September 16, 08:00 – 15:00 pm
Auditorium Universitas Budi Luhur, Jl. Ciledug Raya No.126, RT.1/RW.2, Petukangan Utara, Pesanggrahan, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12260, Indonesia

OWASP Indonesia Day 2017
when Developers, startups, hackers will meet.. just visit us @ OWASP Indonesia Day 2017
Yogyakarta, 09 th september 2017

if you interested sponsor our events just contact Ade Yoseman Putra

OWASP Jakarta Tech Day Meetup 2017


OWASP Jakarta succesfully host meetup on May 2017

with Theme: "How Secure Ecommerce"

Date: 14 May 2017 02 pm to 05 pm (GMT+7 Jakarta)

Venue: PTC Pulogadung Trade Centre Ballroom 2nd Floor

Jalan Raya Bekasi, RW.3, Rw. Terate, Cakung, Kota Jakarta Timur, DKI Jakarta 13920

Google Maps :


  • Turning Legal Website into DDoS Tool
    by Kalpin Erlangga (Indonesia Honeynet Project) (PDF) .
  • The Art of phishing, and how to save yourself
    by Oliver Valentino (Security analyst BUKALAPAK) (PDF)
  • Trend Defacement On Indonesia E-Commerce Website
    by Achmad Syafaat (ID-SIRTII/CC)
  • Client Side Security And Testing Tools
    by David Cervigni ( Minded Security) (PDF)
  • Hacking as a Livestyle
    Matias Prasodjo(Dracos) (PDF)


Kalpin Erlangga Silaen


Kalpin Erlangga Silaen is a senior security consultant with experience more than 15 years in IT. He is a graduate of the Master of Computer in Faculty of Engineering and IT at Swiss German University. He was first winner as a team at Cyber Defense Competition, Ministry of Defense of Indonesia on 2013

(Jakarta) and 2014 (Surabaya). He has experience as security penetration tester for various industry such as telecommunication, banking, finance, and government for more than 7 years. His interests includes network and cloud security

Oliver Valentino

Oliver Valentino is a tech evangelist and security enthusiast. Currently work as a security analyst at bukalapak. Got his bachelor degree from Universitas Advent Indonesia Bandung

David Cervigni


David Cervigni is a Senior Security Consultant of the Minded Security consultants team. He has a strong experience in collaborating closely with developer teams to securing SDLC and DevOps systems. His specialties include secure coding training, vulnerability assessment, manual and automated code review solutions, critical software design and compliance. His experience maturated mostly in the financial sector and in the biggest institutions across Swiss and UK markets. He holds a master's degree in computer science from the University of Camerino.

Achmad Syafaat

Matias Prasodjo

Matias Prasodjo is Vice Leader DracOs Linux Team. he is Subject Matter Expert Security and System at PT Lintas Teknologi Indonesia.

Past Meetup

OWASP Indonesia Meetup I 2017 on March 4 th, 2017
See More OWASP Indonesia Meetup I 2017 on March 4 th, 2017

OWASP Jakarta adalah sebuah salah satu cabang dari Yayasan OWASP di belahan dunia. Yayasan OWASP adalah terbuka dan organisasi non profit.Kami membuka kesempatan kepada orang indonesia untuk bergabung serta berkontribusi pada OWASP Indonesia (Jakarta) Chapter.

Apa Yang Bisa anda kontribusi kan pada Yayasan OWASP

OWASP Jakarta Chapter

1. Anda bisa menyediakan Tempat untuk Agenda kami
2. Anda bisa menjadi Speaker & Trainer dalam setiap Event kami
3. Anda bisa menjadi University Supporter Kami
4. Anda bisa menjadi Donatur kami
5. Anda bisa menjadi Kontributor kami dengan submit projek (membuat tools, keamanan aplikasi, dsb)

OWASP Foundation

1. Anda bisa menjadi Speaker & Trainer dalam setiap Event Yayasan OWASP di seluruh dunia
2. Anda bisa menjadi Kontributor kami dengan submit projek (membuat tools, keamanan aplikasi, dsb) pada Yayasan OWASP Global

how to register OWASP membership, berikut saya sudah jelaskan step by stepnya di web


Kami mencari volunteer untuk penerjemahan OWASP 2013 Top Ten dari Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa. Saat Ini sedang dalam pengerjaan / On Progress. Silahkan bergabung dengan tim kami tim penerjamah OWASP 2013 Top 10-Bahasa