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Global Conferences Committee 2011 Plan

Revision as of 19:30, 28 December 2010 by Mark.bristow (talk | contribs) (Policy Changes)

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Approved: 12/22/2010 | Vote Thread


  1. Have a Global AppSec in NA, SA, EU, Asia in 2011
  2. Promote OWASP Projects/Initiatives at OWASP Conferences
  3. Enhance Services for Conference Planners
  4. Reach out to developers (have 20% of attendees in a dev position)
  5. Reach out to non-members (have 70% of attendees at cons non-members)
  6. Bring more into the fold (Generate 300 new/renewed members at conferences)
  7. Streamline Sponsorships (Global Conference Sponsors, Targeted Conference Sponsors)
  8. Revise GCC Governance
  9. Have a profit of $200k in 2011 across all conferences


   * OWASP Conference management system (Goal 1, 3)
         o We need a system to take in applications for events, vett them, approve them, and schedule them.  The current process of people emailing Kate, Me or the board is not acceptable with the number of events we have
         o I see this as critical to establishing control over the OWASP schedule and is a top priority
   * OWASP AppSec Track (Goal 2)
         o Partnership with projects committee
         o Have a cadre of speakers, ready to go with presentations about OWASP projects/activities
         o Require all OWASP Regional and AppSec events to have an “OWASP Track” of at least 6 presentations from this pool, managed, selected, and funded by the GCC and the GPC
   * OWASP Global Conference Sponsors (Goal 3, 7)
         o Provide unified sponsorships for the Global AppSec Conferences
         o Split revenues among individual conferences budget
         o Streamlines our sponsorships
         o Conference planners are welcome to elicit additional sponsorships
   * Central conference support services
      (Goal 3)
         o Investigate for-hire international conference support companies
               + Event logistics companies
         o Investigate costs for hiring conference organizer
               + Foundation Employee
   * Conference Marketing (Goal 3)
         o OWASP Conference Twitter accounts
         o OWASP Conference Domain Names
               + Register Names only
               + If already owned by a conference, buy them out/transfer to GCC Control
               + GCC will re-direct to any hosting service once the conference has been assigned
               + Conference can still register and we can just redirect as appropriate
               + Helps maintain consistency in URLs between years
         o Conference Twitter Accounts
               + Like domains, turned over to planners for their use as appropriate
               + @OWASPConfrences – held by the GCC for announcements
               + @OWASPAppSec – held by the GCC for announcements
               + @AppSecNA
               + @AppSecUS
               + @AppSecEU
               + @AppSecAsia
               + @AppSecSA
         o Use of Short URLS on the website
               + ex points to the wiki page for this year’s conference
         o Regional Targeted Mailing Lists
               + To reduce OWASP All traffic
   * OWASP Merchandise Model(Goal 3, Goal9)
         o A shippable “OWASP Store” with OWASP branded items for sale at conferences
         o Already exists, just need to formalize
   * OWASP Conference Marketing (global, regional, electronic, print) (Goal 4,5,6)
         o Procure Booth space at developer focused conferences
         o Provide budget for OWASP Schwag for use at OWASP Booths in other conferences
         o Evaluate other advertising mechanisms for conferences


   * $7500 for conference support (schwag/tables) targeting developer conferences
   * $500 OWASP GCC Technology Needs
         o Domain Names
         o Other tech solutions + planning tools
   * $15,000, OWASP Track Travel expenses (cap, will try and get indv company sponsorships)
   * $10,000 GCC Member at all conferences (approx $1500/AppSec, $800 Regional)
   * Budget requires board approval