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OWASP Slovenia
Welcome to the Slovenia chapter homepage. The chapter leader is Stanka Salamun.
OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.
to this chapter or become a local chapter supporter.
Or consider the value of Individual, Corporate, or Academic Supporter membership. Ready to become a member?
Slides available: OWASP Slovenia at OTS 2010 conference, June 16 2010
OTS 2010 OWASP papers (here)
- Marko Hölbl: Pasti pri vgradnji kriptografije v aplikacijski svet (Slides)
- Milan Gabor: Slovenske spletne aplikacije imajo »TALENT« (Slides)
- Jure Škofič: "Race condition" - Ko želva stavi na srečo, zajec pa na "symlink" napad (Slides)
- Edvard Šilc: Telesni skenerji na slovenskih letališčih (Slides)
Next meeting: Sep/Oct 2010 (Ljubljana)
Free tickets will be available at
OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) je odprta, globalna, brezplačna in neprofitna skupnost, ki se posveča dvigovanju varnostnega nivoja programske opreme.Poslanstvo OWASP je seznanjanje in osveščanje javnosti o pomembnosti aplikacijske varnosti in primernih načinih zavarovanja. Posameznikom in organizacijam želimo omogočiti, da glede dejanskih varnostnih tveganj programske opreme sprejemajo informirane odločitve.
Skupnosti OWASP se lahko pridruži kdorkoli. Vsa gradiva so dostopna z uporabo brezplačne licence. Fundacija OWASP zagotavlja razpoložljivost in podporo delovanja s pomočjo posameznikov, organizacij in akademskih institucij.
Pridružite se OWASP Slovenia:
We were taking care of AppSec at OTS 2010 OWASP Slovenia at OTS 2010 conference!
Meeting Locations
Free tickets availabe:
- L1: Maribor:
Location: UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (FERI), Smetanova 16, 2000 Maribor,
Classroom G2-P2 BETA (entrance from Koroška cesta)
When: June 16 2010 13:30
- L2: Ljubljana:
Location: HERMES SoftLab, Litijska 51, Ljubljana, room "Postojnska jama"
When: September 2010
Meeting and Slides Archive
June 16th 2010, 16:15, Maribor, OWASP Slovenia at OTS 2010 conference
OTS 2010 OWASP papers (Papers)
- Marko Hölbl: Pasti pri vgradnji kriptografije v aplikacijski svet (Slides)
- Milan Gabor: Slovenske spletne aplikacije imajo »TALENT« (Slides)
- Jure Škofič: "Race condition" - Ko želva stavi na srečo, zajec pa na "symlink" napad (Slides)
- Edvard Šilc: Telesni skenerji na slovenskih letališčih (Slides). More about privacy on
At the same day OWASP Slovenia members are also kindly invited to attend the OTS 2010 from 13.30, with no charge: at
13:30 there will be a very interesting keynote (in English), presented by Robin Wilton, titled "What's the value of your
Digital Identity". At 14:30 there will be a section "Izmenjava, hramba in obdelava podatkov".
Feb 25 2010, 16:00, Ljubljana Premiere
Drink and snacks were kindly provided by our host, HERMES SoftLab.
- Introduction to OWASP (Slides)
- Tadej Vodopivec, HERMES SoftLab: Who's drinking, who's paying ... for web application security?
Kdo pije, kdo plača... za varnost spletnih aplikacij? (Slides)
On special request we will repeat one of our lectures:
- Luka Treiber, ACROS: "White Hat" confession: How I got that precious file from your computer (demo)
Izpoved "white hat" hekerja: Kako sem dobil tisto dragoceno datoteko z vašega računalnika (demo) Slides
Jan 27 2010, 16:00, Maribor, Initial meeting
University of Maribor, FERI (classroom G2-P2 BETA), Smetanova 16, 2000 Maribor
Drink and snacks were kindly provided by Laboratorij za podatkovne tehnologije from FERI, UM.
- dr. Mitja Lenič, NKBM: The challenges of securing application settings and infrastructure data
Izzivi varovanja aplikacijskih nastavitev in infrastrukturnih podatkov (slides)
- Luka Treiber, ACROS: "White Hat" confession: How I got that precious file from your computer (demo)
Izpoved "white hat" hekerja: Kako sem dobil tisto dragoceno datoteko z vašega računalnika (demo)
Reviji Sistem se zahvaljujemo za objavo novice o ustanovitvi OWASP, Chapter Slovenija.
How Can You Help?
If you can help and would like to raise the visibility of application security in your company by supporting our 100% volunteer efforts, simply contact Chapter Leader.
To be a SPEAKER at a future meeting simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.