OWASP Spanish Project
Purpose: The start of OWASP Internationalization project is great opportunity to make Spanish the first language on which the OWASP site and documentation is fully translated and at the same time share the experience with other people interested in the same objective, Bring OWASP to the world.
License: Creative Commons Share Alike
Project Leader: Juan Carlos Calderon @
Project Maintainer: Juan C Calderon @
Project Contributor(s):
Aldo Salas,
Alejandro Ramos,
Ana Loza,
Camilo Fernandez,
Camilo Vega,
David Echarri,
Emilio Casbas,
Fabio Cerullo,
Guillermo Correa,
Javier Fernández-Sanguino,
Jaime Blasco,
Jesus Antonio Gomez Bañuelos,
Jesús Gomez,
Jose Antonio Guasch,
Juan Carlos Calderon,
Juan Manuel Bahamonde,
Luis Martinez Bacha,
Marcos Orallo Rodriguez,
Miguel Macias,
Miguel Tubia,
Paulo Cesar Coronado,
Rodrigo Marcos