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OWASP Israel 2008 Conference at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC)

Revision as of 09:43, 11 September 2008 by Oshezaf (talk | contribs) (Agenda)

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Organizers:     OWASP_IL_Sponsors_IDC_New.JPG     OWASP_IL_Breach_Labs_Logo.jpg
Sponsors:     OWASP_IL_Sponsor_Checkpoint.gif     OWASP_IL_Sponsor_Comsec.gif     OWASP_IL_Sponsors_Imperva.png     OWASP_IL_Sponsor_GamaSec_Logo.jpg
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Partners:     OWASP_IL_IDC_Logo.gif     OWASP_IL_LOGO_NISF.jpg     OWASP_IL_ISSA_Logo.gif

Time and Location

The OWASP Israel 2008 conference will be held on September 14th at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya from 8:30 to 17:00. This time we are raising the bar and will be holding a full day two tracks event. The tracks would be split according by level: a beginners track and an experts track.

You can find the IDC on Google map or use the instructions on the IDC web site. Signs at the Campus will lead you the conference halls.


The conference is free and open to all, but please register by sending an e-mail to me at [email protected]. We need to know how many people will arrive in order to be prepared.


8:30-9:00 Gatheting and Socializing  
9:00-9:15 Openning words by Ofer Shezaf, OWASP Israel founder  
  Room #1 Room #2
  Management Track Beginners Track
9:15-10:00 Web Application Security and Search Engines – Beyond Google Hacking
Amichai Shulman, Imperva
Application Security - The code analysis way
Maty Siman, Checkmark
10:00-10:45 No More Signatures: Defending Web Applications from 0-Day Attacks with ModProfiler Using Traffic Profiling
Ivan Ristic, Breach Security
Black Box vs. White Box - pros and cons
Adi Sharabani & Yinnon Haviv, IBM
10:45-11:00 Break  
11:00-11:45 Trends in Web Hacking: What's hot in 2008
Ofer Shezaf, Breach Security
AJAX - new technologies new threats
Dr. David Movshovitz, IDC
11:45-12:30 Testing the Tester – Measuring Quality of Security Testing
Ofer Maor, Hacktics
GreenSQL - an open source database security gateway
Yuli Stremovsky
12:30-13:15 Lunch  
  Technology Track Beginners Track (Cont)
13:15-14:00 Cryptographic elections - how to
simultaneously achieve verifiability and privacy
Dr. Alon Rosen, IDC
14:00-14:45 Achilles’ heel – Hacking Through Java Protocols
Shai Chen, Hacktics
.NET Framework rootkits - backdoors inside your Framework
Erez Metula, 2Bsecure
14:45-15:00 Breach  
15:00-15:45 Automated Crawling & Security Analysis of Flash/Flex based Web Applications
Ronen Bachar, IBM
Rump Session
15:45-16:30 Korset: Code-based Intrusion Detection System for Linux
Ohad Ben-Cohen
To be announced

Call for participation

Being a community event, we are staring a call for involvement, which means it is the time to speak up if you want to:

The deadline for submissions for the rump session is Monday, September 8, 2008.
  • Call for sponsors
  • Help in organizing
  • Otherwise participate (plenty of time for that, but if you know you will come, speak up)

This is also a good time to raise other ideas you have regarding the conference. Many of you have been to previous conferences and have great ideas, so don't be shy and speak up.


The CFP is underway and the program would be published by mid August.

The people behind the conference

OWASP Israel is made by the people who contribute their time and brain to its success. The following people are working to ensure that OWASP Israel 2008 is a success.

If you feel that you also can contribute or have interesting ideas regarding the conference, don't hesitate to contact me.

Steering Committee

The steering committee includes prominent individuals in the field of information security and help set the program for the conference:

  • Adi Sharabani (IBM)
  • Dr. David Movshovitz (Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya)
  • Ofer Maor (Hacktics)
  • Ofer Shezaf (Breach Security)
  • Ory Segal (IBM)
  • Shay Zalalichin (ComSec)
  • Yossi Oren (Proxy Software Systems)

Organization Committee

The organization committee is in charge of making this all happen:

  • Dr. Anat Bremler-Barr (Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya)
  • Daniel Kallner
  • Ofer Shezaf (Breach Security)
  • Shay Shuker

~ Ofer Shezaf,Conference Chair
[email protected]