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Martin Knobloch's profile, email address and wiki contributions.
Martin is Head of Global Application Security at Ceva Logistics. His main working area is (software) security in general, from awareness to implementation. In his daily work, he is responsible for education in application security matters, advise and implementation of application security measures.
- With his background in Java Development, he understands the complexity of Enterprise software development, Agile Scrum environments and continuous delivery / deployment.
Since my first attendance at an OWASP conference, back in 2006 in Leuven, Belgium, I was hooked by OWASP. In 2007 I joined the OWASP Netherlands Chapter Board and got involved in several OWASP projects. When Committees first started after the Summit in 2008, I was Co-Chair of the Education Committee. In 2011, I began my global community engagement as a co-organizer of the OWASP Summit in 2011.
I believe that OWASP is about community! I have and continue to work to introduce OWASP to professionals, students, and developers. Here are a few of my engagements over the past decade.
- I serve as OWASP Netherlands chapter leader.
- I am co-chair of the annual OWASP beNeLux-Day
- I have been involved in every AppSec-Eu since 2012
- I introduced the University Challenges at the AppSec conferences in Europe
- Chair of the AppSec-Eu 2015 in Amsterdam
- Co-Chair of the training selection committee for this years AppSec-Eu in Rome
- Currently chairing the program committee for next years AppSec-Eu in Belfast
In the past, as I will do in the future, I represent OWASP at various security, developer and testing conferences with an OWASP booth and presentations (among others):
- BlackHat Europe, 2012 to 2015
- HITB (Hack in The Box) Amsterdam, 2010 to 2016 and HITB KL 2013
- Hackivity 2015
- The NCSC conferences in the Netherlands
- CCC Camp 2011
- OHM 2013, SHA 2017
- OWASP local conferences:
- OWASP Germany
- OWASP India
- OWASP Israel
- OWASP Romania
- OWASP Poland with Confidence
- OWASP Goteborg
- OWASP Almeria
I was invited and approved to serve as the compliance officer for the OWASP Foundation in 2014 and asked to continue this position until I stepped down at the end of 2015. My current focus is developer outreach, the OWASP Security Knowledge Framework (SKF) project and supporting new chapters. I also work to connect leaders so they can collaborate on the best practices and improve the quality on the OWASP projects. Outside of OWASP, I support IAMTHECAVALRY, have been involved in working groups for the European Commission as FOSSA, AITOI and the Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM), and am guest lecturer at Universities.
More details are available on:
- LinkedIn: Martin Knobloch
- Twitter: Martin Knobloch
- Xing: Martin Knobloch