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Category:OWASP Orizon Project
OWASP Orizon ProjectOWASP Orizon is a source code security scanner designed to spot vulnerabilities in J2EE web applications, Android code and generally speaking in Java written source code.
DescriptionOwasp Orizon is a code review tool intended to be used from security specialist to perform white box assessment. Orizon exposes also a set of APIs that can be used within a security tool to provide code review services.
LicensingOWASP XXX is free to use. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3).
Quick StartSee project GitHub home page Project ResourcesCode | [ Binaries
Project LeaderPaolo Perego
News and Events
Available online is an Orizon presentation given at OWASP AppSec EU 2008 in Ghent, May 2008.
Owasp Orizon Internals @ Owasp AppSec NY 2008, New York 22-25th September 2008
Owasp Orizon Internals @ Owasp AppSec EU 2008, Ghent 21-22nd May 2008
Owasp Orizon Internals @ Owasp Day Italy 2008, Rome 31st March 2008
OWASP Orizon Project @ SMAU eAcademy, Milan 4-7th October 2006
I will talk to SMAU eAcademy2006 next Saturday 7th October 2006 about code review and safe coding. Here you can find more information (for now, only in Italian). The last part of the speech will be about introducing the Orizon project and giving a development roadmap.
A slideshare space is available to for the presentations used in Owasp | conferences
Orizon is developed by a worldwide team of volunteers. The primary contributors to date have been:
- Paolo Perego - former project leader
- Steven Evans
- Andres Riancho
- Dinis Cruz
- Mike Duncan
- prashant k v
- Alessio Marziali
- Jason Li
- Nishi Kumar
As of Orizon, the priorities are:
- xxx
- xxx
- xxx
Orizon wants you!
The model we follow is the OpenBSD one. Anyone will be free about sending opinions, criticism and patches. If an user will provide a good number of patches showing us he (or she) really wants to collaborate to the project, than he (or she) will be added to Owasp orizon core team.
If you are a skilled Java developer why don't you consider writing a bunch of code for Orizon? Or, consider joining the project for documentation, advertising, blog maintenance, etc.
We hope you find the OWASP Orizon Project useful. Please contribute to the project by volunteering for one of the tasks, or by sending your comments, questions, and suggestions.
Project Name | OWASP Orizon Project | ||||||
Short Project Description | This project born in 2006 in order to provide a framework to all Owasp projects developing code review services. The project is in a quite stable stage and it is usable for Java static code review and some dynamic tests against XSS. Owasp Orizon includes also APIs for code crawling, usable for code crawling tools. | ||||||
Key Project Information | Project Leader Paolo Perego |
Project Contributors See here |
Mailing list Subscribe here Use here |
Project Type |
Sponsor OWASP SoC 08 |
Release Status | Main Links | Related Projects |
The Owasp OrizonProject in Power Point |
Pages in category "OWASP Orizon Project"
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