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OWASP Belgium

Welcome to the Belgium chapter homepage. The chapter leader is Sebastien Deleersnyder


OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.


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Upcoming events

Upcoming chapter meetings

We will organize our next chapter meetings this year:

  • week 23-May
  • week 26-Sep
  • week 12-Dec

See for more details.

Registration via

OWASP BeNeLux Day 2016

We are proud to announce the dates of the next edition of BeNeLux OWASP Day! The event will take place on 17 and 18 March 2016, in Belval Campus, in Esch-sur-Alzette - Luxembourg.

See BeNeLux OWASP Day 2016 for more details.

Stay in touch

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If you want to be invited for the next OWASP Belgium Chapter meetings, please drop us your contact info.

Structural Sponsors 2016

OWASP Belgium thanks its structural chapter supporters for 2016 and the OWASP BeNeLux Days 2016:

Zionsecurity.jpg Nviso_logo_RGB_baseline_200px.png Checkmarx.jpg

If you want to support our chapter, please contact Seba Deleersnyder

Upcoming Meeting (23 May 2016) in Leuven


Monday 23 May 2016


Hosted by




The agenda:

  • 18h15 - 19h00: Welcome & sandwiches
  • 19h00 - 19h15: OWASP Update
  • 19h15 - 20h15: Topic 1 (by Speaker 1)
Abstract: TBD
Bio: Speaker 1 TBD
  • 20h15 - 20h30: Break
  • 20h30 - 21h30: Topic 2 (by Speaker 2)
Abstract: TBD
Bio: Speaker 2 TBD


Please register via EventBrite:


Upcoming Meeting (23 May 2016) in Leuven


Monday 23 May 2016


Hosted at Moonbeat (Mechelen), kindly offered by is4u.

Venue address:
Oude Brusselsestraat 10-12
2800 mechelen

Route/Parking: .


The agenda:

  • 18h15 - 19h00: Welcome & sandwiches
  • 19h00 - 19h10: OWASP Update
  • 19h10 - 20h00: All Your Biases Belong to Us: Breaking RC4 in WPA-TKIP and TLS (by Mathy Vanhoef, iMinds-DistriNet-KU Leuven)
Abstract: We present new biases in RC4, break the Wi-Fi Protected Access Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (WPA-TKIP), and design a practical plaintext recovery attack against the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. To empirically find new biases in the RC4 keystream we use statistical hypothesis tests. This reveals many new biases in the initial keystream bytes, as well as several new long-term biases. Our fixed-plaintext recovery algorithms are capable of using multiple types of biases, and return a list of plaintext candidates in decreasing likelihood.
To break WPA-TKIP we introduce a method to generate a large number of identical packets. This packet is decrypted by generating its plaintext candidate list, and using redundant packet structure to prune bad candidates. From the decrypted packet we derive the TKIP MIC key, which can be used to inject and decrypt packets. In practice the attack can be executed within an hour. We also attack TLS as used by HTTPS, where we show how to decrypt a secure cookie with a high success rate using roughly one billion ciphertexts. This is done by injecting known data around the cookie, abusing this using Mantin's ABSAB bias, and brute-forcing the cookie by traversing the plaintext candidates. Using our traffic generation technique, we are able to execute the attack in merely 75 hours.
Bio: Mathy Vanhoef is a PhD student at KU Leuven, where he performs research on RC4 and its usage in network protocols such as WPA-TKIP and SSL/TLS (e.g. he discovered the RC4 NOMORE attack). He also focuses on wireless security, where he studies MAC address randomization, analyzes protocols like WPA-TKIP, and implements low-layer Wi-Fi attacks using commodity hardware. Apart from research, he is also interested in low-level security, reverse engineering, and binary exploitation. He regularly participates in CTFs with KU Leuven's Hacknamstyle CTF team.
  • 20h00 - 20h10: Break
  • 20h10 - 21h00: Docker Security (by Nils De Moor, CTO at WooRank)
Abstract: Docker, the new kid on the block, has taken the Ops world by storm. Suddenly everybody wants applications to be containerized and kick them from a development machine up to a production stack in seconds. But this new paradigm obviously has consequences in terms of security and compliance. In this talk we'll look at how to construct a container around applications and dive deeper into how we can put a tight lock around it, thanks to the built-in security primitives.
Bio: Nils De Moor is co-founder and CTO at WooRank, a SaaS tool for digital marketing agencies to monitor online presence of a brand. By grabbing and calculating millions of data points every day, he developed a passion for automating, scaling and distributing applications. Besides that he is passionate about open source communities and has started some initiatives, like, Docker and AWS meetup groups, etc.


Please register via EventBrite:


Previous Meeting (8 March 2016) in Leuven


Tuesday 8 March 2016


Hosted by iMinds-Distrinet Research Group (KU Leuven).

Both speakers are faculty of the Secure Application Development course which is held in Leuven from 7-11 March 2016. OWASP Members get a 10% discount to attend the course.

Department of Computer Science (foyer at ground floor)
Celestijnenlaan 200 A
3001 Heverlee (google maps)



The agenda:

Abstract: In this talk, I will take the audience on a tour of recent evolutions in the JavaScript language (and surrounding ecosystem) and how they can use these changes to their advantage to write better client-side code that is more robust against bugs and other exploits. JavaScript — still unquestionably the dominant client-side language in use on the Web — has evolved significantly over the past five years, with two significant updates to ECMAScript, its defining standard. I will give a brief introduction to the language and its Good and Bad parts and then move on to features added in ECMAScript 5th edition, such as "strict mode", which are by now widely deployed in major browsers. Next, I will look at relevant language features that were introduced recently as part of ECMAScript 6th edition. Finally, I will give a brief introduction to Secure ECMAScript (SES), which is a secure JavaScript dialect that enables the safe embedding of third-party scripts in a webpage, also forming the basis for Google’s Caja compiler.
Bio: Tom Van Cutsem is a senior researcher at Nokia Bell Labs in Antwerp, Belgium. Prior to joining Bell Labs, he was a professor of computer science at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He sat on the ECMA TC39 committee in charge of standardising JavaScript and actively contributed to the ECMAScript 2015 (a.k.a. “ES6”) standard. Together with Mark S. Miller, he designed and specified ECMAScript’s new reflection API. Tom's broader research interests lie in distributed systems, programming languages, stream processing, concurrency and parallelism. He received his PhD in 2008 from Vrije Universiteit Brussel for his research on AmbientTalk, a distributed scripting language for mobile phones.
Abstract: TBA
Bio: Dan Wallach is a professor in the systems group at Rice University's Department of Computer Science, He manages Rice's computer security lab. His research interests include mobile code, wireless and smartphone security, and the security of electronic voting systems.


Please register via EventBrite:


Past Events

The Belgium Chapter is supported by the following board:

  • Sebastien Deleersnyder, Toreon
  • Erwin Geirnaert, Zion Security
  • Philippe Bogaerts, AviNetworks
  • André Mariën, Euroclear
  • Lieven Desmet, KU Leuven
  • Bart De Win, PWC
  • David Mathy, Freelance
Our goal is to professionalize the local OWASP functioning, provide in a bigger footprint to detect OWASP opportunities such as speakers/topics/sponsors/… and set a 5 year target on: Target audiences, Different events and Interactions of OWASP global – local projects.