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OWASP Student Chapters Program
- Main
- List of Student Chapters
- Road Map and Getting Involved
- Summit 2011 Notes
- Meeting Notes
- Project About
OWASP Student Chapters ProgramOWASP Student Chapters Program is a way to integrate passionate AppSec students. We want to create students chapters in order to organise events, meetings and have fun! IntroductionThe Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has local chapters around the world that help teach, learn, and inspire application security. Our Student Chapters program helps to extend application security into colleges and universities worldwide. If your school has a computer science or management information systems degree, we can help you start a Student Chapter there. DescriptionIf you're interested in starting a Student Chapter at your school, please review the rules for the Student Chapter program below and then send an email to the project leaders Antonios Manaras or Mateo Martinez, all we expect is that you will find a location, organize monthly meetings, learn a lot about application security, behave ethically, and have fun! LicensingOWASP Student Chapters Program is free to use. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license], so you can copy, distribute and transmit the work, and you can adapt it, and use it commercially, but all provided that you attribute the work and if you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.
What is the OWASP Student Chapters Program?OWASP College Chapter Rules
PresentationWithin the chapter's actions are:
Project LeadersAntonios Manaras Related Projects |
Quick DownloadNews and EventsApril 2015: Welcome to our newest Student Chapter at Leeds Beckett University in Leeds, UK. To participate, visit the chapter page. In PrintClassifications
Algeria Student Chapter
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP Algeria Student Chapter
Anglia Ruskin University Student Chapter
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP Anglia Ruskin Student Chapter
Busan Student Chapter
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP Busan Student Chapter
University of Colombo School of Computing Student Chapter
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP University of Colombo School of Computing Student Chapter
Ecuador Student Chapter
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP Ecuador Student Chapter
Georgetown University Student Chapter
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP Georgetown University Student Chapter
Greek Student Chapter
Located at Larissa, Greece, Technological Institute of Larissa,
Computer Science & Telecommunications
Please visit our Main Page: OWASP Greek Student Chapter
Hackplanet Technologies Information Security Institute Student Chapter
Please visit our Main Page: OWASP Hackplanet Technologies Information Security Institute Student Chapter
IIT Kanpur Student Chapter
Please visit our Main Page: OWASP IIT Kanpur Student Chapter
Johns Hopkins University
Please visit our Main Page: Johns Hopkins University
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics [Ukraine] on Telecommunication Systems
Please visit our Main Page: Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics [Ukraine] on Telecommunication Systems Student Chapter
Leeds Beckett University Student Chapter
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP Leeds Beckett University Student Chapter
Lingaya's GVKS Institute of Management & Technology Student Chapter
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP Lingaya's GVKS Institute of Management & Technology Student Chapter
University "Lucian Blaga" of Sibiu, Romania
More info on the chapter's home page: University Lucian Blaga of Sibiu.
Morocco Student Chapter
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP Morocco Student Chapter
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has local chapters around the world that help teach, learn, and inspire application security. Our College Chapters program helps to extend application security into colleges and universities worldwide.
OWASP Mumbai Student Chapter
Welcome to the OWASP Student chapter Mumbai.
Our chapter is with Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College affiliated to Mumbai University
and our Chapter leader is Dhiraj Mishra .
OWASP Foundation (Overview Slides) is a professional association of global members and is and open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related software security topic you would like to present on.Student Chapters
Murdoch University Student Chapter
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP Murdoch University Student Chapter
Northeastern University Student Chapter
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Please visit our Main Page: OWASP Northeastern University Student Chapter
Sri Lanka Student Chapter - National School of Business Management
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP Sri Lanka Student Chapter
Sweden Student Chapter
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP Sweden Student Chapter
University of Texas Student Chapter
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP University of Texas Student Chapter
Thapar Student Chapter
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP Thapar Student Chapter
UW Bothell, Washington, USA Student Chapter
More info on the chapter's home page: OWASP UW Bothell, USA Student Chapter
In order to get involved with the project, send an email to: Antonis Manaras or Mateo Martinez
During the Summit 2011, we had a 'dynamic' session about the college chapter program:
Project leader responsibilities:
- maintaining list of college chapters
- being the link (whenever requested) to the OWASP community
- find OWASP members to be advisor for students during their research
College Chapter responsibilities:
- annually appoint college chapter leaders to guarantee continuity
- follow the Chapter Handbook
- promote the college chapter inside and outside the university
- seek out for a faculty advisor
- get involved in the local chapter (if available)
- Global Membership Committee,
- create student membership for free
- including student-specific welcome package
- Create promotion material for the college chapter
- reach out to PR students for PR material
- create College Chapter competition (ask John Wilander for ideas)
- research, development, everything
- Local Chapters, support the local college chapter
- speakers
- chapter meeting invitation
- Rename to student chapter
- enable separate mailing lists per college chapter
- requesting quotes from government, industry and
... to promote security education at universities
- Industry / connection committee
December 18th 2011
Outcome of the meeting / goals for the student chapters to the next meeting in January 2012:
- Update your info at the Student Chapter Program:
For that, request an account for the OWASP wiki:
Add the following information:
- University
- Contact details
- goals
- Goals for the student chapters:
- Organize 1 security event at your university
--> free of charge --> Set a date, so we can send out a call for paper to the OWASP Community
- To have a delegation of your student chapter at the OWASP AppSec conference nearest to you -> get involved in regional and local events
- Promote OWASP at your university!
- Be online the next meeting:
Doodle and invitation will be send out soon!
PROJECT INFO What does this OWASP project offer you? |
RELEASE(S) INFO What releases are available for this project? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||