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Los Angeles

Revision as of 17:09, 13 March 2015 by Mike Francis (talk | contribs)

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Welcome to the Los Angeles Chapter!



Single Meeting Supporter: Organizations that wish to support the OWASP Los Angeles Chapter with a 100% tax deductible donation enable the OWASP Foundation to continue its mission

Get the following benefits::

- Meet upwards of 70-110 potential new clients
- Be recognized as a local supporter by posting your company logo on the local chapter page and on our Meetup site
- Have your marketing write-up included in e-mail blasts sent prior to a monthly meeting.
- Have a table at local chapter meeting 
- Promote your products and services
- Bring a raffle prize to gather business cards

Contact us #Los Angeles Chapter for general questions relating to sponsorship and donations


OWASP Foundation is a professional association of global members and is open to anyone interested in learning more about software security. Local chapters are run independently and guided by the Chapter_Leader_Handbook. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit professional association your support and sponsorship of any meeting venue and/or refreshments is tax-deductible. Financial contributions should only be made online using the authorized online chapter donation button. To be a SPEAKER at ANY OWASP Chapter in the world simply review the speaker agreement and then contact the local chapter leader with details of what OWASP PROJECT, independent research or related security topic you would like to present on.


OWASP Los Angeles received the BEST Chapter Leaders award at AppSec USA NY

Meetup_logo3.jpg [1] OWASP-Los-Angeles We are on Meetup. Please join our community here.

If you are unable to access Meetup from your work computer as a result of filtering of social sites, we recommend that you view it on your smart phone or via your personal computer.

Become an OWASP Member TODAY

Support your LA Chapter: only $50 for the entire year!

Next OWASP Meeting

**NOTE: Please review NEW parking rules ( for our monthly meetings at Symantec as of 7/22/2014 **

March 25,2015 6:30pm at Microsoft 13031 W Jefferson Blvd Suite 200, Playa Vista, CA

  Speaker: Jeff Williams is the founder and CTO of Contrast Security
  Topic: Why Your AppSec Experts Are Killing You

Abstract: Software development has been transformed by practices like Continuous Integration and Continuous Integration, while application security has remained trapped in expert-based waterfall mode. In this talk, Jeff will show you how you can evolve into a “Continuous Application Security” organization that generates assurance automatically across an entire application security portfolio. Jeff will show you how to bootstrap the “sensor-model-dashboard” feedback loop that makes real time, continuous application security possible. He will demonstrate the approach with a new *free* tool called Contrast for Eclipse that brings the power of instrumentation-based application security testing directly into the popular IDE. Check out “Application Security at DevOps Speed and Portfolio Scale” for some background.

Speaker bio: Jeff Williams is the founder and CTO of Contrast Security, bringing the power of instrumentation and real time analytics to secure your application portfolio. Previously, Jeff was a founder and CEO of Aspect Security. He also served as Global Chairman of the OWASP Foundation where he created many open-source standards, tools, libraries, and guidelines – including the OWASP Top Ten, WebGoat, ESAPI, XSS CheatSheet, ASVS and more. Jeff welcomes hearing from you and may be reached directly at [email protected].

Thanks to our sponsor:

Prevoty Primary RGB 300.png

Prevoty delivers powerful real-time Application Security capability for enterprises via its runtime application and monitoring & protection technology. We solve security challenges across the entire application portfolio: Instant remediation of existing vulnerability backlogs (Past), Quicker time-to-market without introducing new vulnerabilities (Present), and Dramatically reduced exposure to zero-day attacks (Future).

Please RSVP here:

Would you like to speak at an OWASP Los Angeles Meeting?

Call for Papers (CFP) is NOW OPEN. To speak at upcoming OWASP Los Angeles meetings please submit your BIO and talk abstract via email to Richard Greenberg OR Stuart Schwartz. The talk must be vendor neutral and its content be available under Creative Common 3.0 license.

Upcoming OWASP Meetings

Other Events

Issa-LA Summit - Thursday, June 4,5 2015 7:30am - 6pm

Archives of Previous Meetings

2015 Meetings

2014 Meetings

2013 Meetings

2012 Meetings

2011 Meetings

2010 Meetings

2009 Meetings

2008 Meetings

Presentation Archive

Los Angeles Chapter

Volunteers: Yev Avidon and Mikhael Felker
OWASP Wiki: Mike Francis
The Los Angeles chapter was founded by Cassio Goldschmidt.

The AppSec USA 2010 conference received rave reviews. Thanks to all the volunteers and great speakers who helped make it a success!

Web archive:


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