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OWASP Documentation Project Template
Instructions are in RED text and should be removed from your document by deleting the text with the span tags. This document is intended to serve as an example of what is required of an OWASP project wiki page. The text in red serves as instructions, while the text in black serves as an example. Text in black is expected to be replaced entirely with information specific to your OWASP project. The OWASP Securuty PrinciplesA project name may include the OWASP name. If a project chooses to use the OWASP name, any project artifacts must clearly state the project’s current lifecycle designation. For example, this notice can be on the cover page (documentation), in an ‘About’ dialog (tools), in comment header blocks (code), or some other prominent location. Although this is a sample template, the project is real! Please contribute to this project. Over the course of my career, I have come across and collected a number of security aphorisms. These aphorisms constitute the fundamental principles of information security. None of the ideas or truths are mine, and unfortunately, I did not collect the citations. Initially, I would like to identify the correct citations for each aphorism. Additionally, many are re-statements of the same idea; thus, the 'collection of ideas' defines a fundamental principle. As such, I would also like to reverse engineer the principles from the aphorisms where appropriate, as well. IntroductionInstructions Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. DescriptionA project description should outline the purpose of the project, and the value it provides to application security. Ideally, project descriptions should be written in such a way that the start of the description can be used as a teaser or an excerpt (as commonly done for news articles and blog postings). This teaser will be seen and used in various places within the Projects Portal. Poorly written project descriptions therefore detract from a project’s visibility, and project leaders should ensure that the teaser is concise and meaningful. Inevitably applications are designed with security principles architects knew about, security folks included. However, as this project demonstrates there are far more than just a 'few' principles, most of which never make it into the design. For example, security design happens with perhaps a handful of principles:
However, we regularly see designs without separation of privilege! Think about that, most web applications today have all their eggs in a single basket. The business logic, the identities, passwords, products, policy enforcement, security rules are all found in the same application database that makes up the typical website! It is little wonder then, that attacks on the database have been so completely devastating, since there is no separation of privilege! The aim of this project, is to identify and describe a minimum functional set of principles that must be present in a secure design. LicensingA project must be licensed under a community friendly or open source license. For more information on OWASP recommended licenses, please see OWASP Licenses. While OWASP does not promote any particular license over another, the vast majority of projects have chosen a Creative Commons license variant for documentation projects, or a GNU General Public License variant for tools and code projects. The OWASP Security Principles are free to use. In fact it is encouraged!!! Additionally, I also encourage you to contribute back to the project. I have no monopoly on this knowledge; however, we all have pieces of this knowledge from our experience. Let's begin with putting our individual pieces together and make something great. Great things happen when people work together. :-) Therefore the OWASP Security Principles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license], so you can copy, distribute and transmit the work, and you can adapt it, and use it commercially, but all provided that you attribute the work and if you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. |
What is OWASP Security Principles Project?Instructions The end goal is to identify, cite, and document the fundamental principles of information security. Once this is well organised, I think it would be great to publish this through the OWASP Press. Of course, it will always remain freely available, and any money collected will go directly into the project to absorb costs with any remaining funds going to the OWASP Foundation. This document should serve as a guide to technical architects and designers outlining the fundamental principles of security. PresentationInstructions Link to presentation Project LeaderA project leader is the individual who decides to lead the project throughout its lifecycle. The project leader is responsible for communicating the project’s progress to the OWASP Foundation, and he/she is ultimately responsible for the project’s deliverables. The project leader must provide OWASP with his/her real name and contact e-mail address for his/her project application to be accepted, as OWASP prides itself on the openness of its products, operations, and members.
Related ProjectsInstructions |
Quick DownloadInstructions The home of the OWASP Security Principles is on GitHub. You are encourged to fork, edit and push your changes back to the project through git or edit the project directly on github. However, if you like you may also download the master repository from the following links: News and EventsInstructions
In PrintInstructions This project can be purchased as a print on demand book from ClassificationsInstructions
- Q1
- A1
- Q2
- A2
The success of OWASP is due to the community of enthusiasts and contributors that hangs around it. This is also true for the success of your project. So be sure to give credit where credit is due, no matter how small! This should be a brief list of the most amazing people involved in your project. Be sure to provide a link to a complete list of all the amazing people in your projects community.
The OWASP Security Principles project is developed by a worldwide team of volunteers. A live update of project contributors is found here.
The first contributors to the project have been:
- Dennis Groves
- Andrew Martin
- Josh Thomas
- Samantha Groves
A project roadmap is the envisioned plan for the project. The purpose of the roadmap is to help others understand where the project is going. It gives the community a chance to understand the context and the vision for the goal of the project. Additionally, if a project becomes inactive, or if the project is abandoned, a roadmap can help ensure a project can be adopted and continued under new leadership.
Roadmaps vary in detail from a broad outline to a fully detailed project charter. Generally speaking, projects with detailed roadmaps have tended to develop into successful projects. Some details that leaders may consider placing in the roadmap include: envisioned milestones, planned feature enhancements, essential conditions, project assumptions, development timelines, etc.
As of XXX, the priorities are:
- xxx
- xxx
- xxx
Involvement in the development and promotion of XXX is actively encouraged! You do not have to be a security expert in order to contribute. Some of the ways you can help:
- xxx
- xxx
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