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Category:OWASP Java Project

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The OWASP Java Project's goal is to enable Java and J2EE developers to build secure applications efficiently. See the OWASP Java Project Roadmap for more information on our plans.

Java Security Overview

While Java and J2EE contain many security technologies, it is not easy to produce an application without security vulnerabilities. Most application security vulnerabilities apply to Java applications just like other environments. The notable exception is buffer overflow and related issues that do not apply to Java applications.

There is a wealth of information about vulnerabilities that apply to Java and JavaEE application in the Vulnerability articles here at OWASP. The articles that have specific Java examples are tagged with the Java category.

The goals of this project are to provide information about building, configuring, deploying, operating, and maintaining secure Java applications. We cover the following topics:

J2EE Security for Architects
Provides information about the design and architectural considerations for a Java web application. Common architectures such as EJB, Web Services and Spring Middle tiers are discussed.
J2EE Security for Developers
These articles cover dangerous Java calls and common vulnerabilities associated with them, such as Runtime.exec(), Statement.execute(), readline(), etc... The dangers of native code, dynamic code, and reflection will be discussed. We'll also talk about using tools like PMD, jlint, FindBugs, Eclipse, jad, and more. This section will also cover standard security mechanisms in the JDK, such as cryptography, logging, encryption, error handling. Securing elements of an application, such as servlets, JSPs, controllers, business logic, and persistence layers will be covered. We'll discuss handling request parameters, encoding, injection, and more. We'll also discuss the use of security mechanisms such as log4j, BouncyCastle, XML encryption, XML signature, and other technologies.
J2EE Security for Deployers
These articles cover topics specifically related to the J2EE environment. We discuss minimizing the attack surface in web.xml, configuring error handlers, and performing hardening of popular J2EE application servers.
J2EE Security for Security Analysts and Testers
These articles cover the verification, analysis, and testing of the security of J2EE applications. This section will cover using tools to find vulnerabilities, both in source code and in running applications. These articles will focus on J2EE-specific aspects of testing applications that use various common J2EE frameworks and coding patterns.

Related OWASP Projects

OWASP Enterprise Security API (ESAPI) Project
a free and open collection of all the security methods that a developer needs to build a secure web application.
OWASP Development Guide
a massive document covering all aspects of web application and web service security
OWASP AntiSamy Java Project
an API for validating rich HTML/CSS input from users without exposure to cross-site scripting and phishing attacks
OWASP Secure Coding Practices - Quick Reference Guide
this document provides a quick high level reference for secure coding practices. It is technology agnostic and defines a set of general software security coding practices, in a checklist format, that can be integrated into the development lifecycle.
OWASP Code Review Guide
a project to capture best practices for reviewing code.
OWASP CSRFGuard Project
a J2EE filter that implements a unique request token to mitigate CSRF attacks




The OWASP Java Project's overall goal is to...

build and maintain a central landing page on the Web for all Java users (developers, architects & co.) interested in Web security

and to

produce materials that show J2EE architects, developers, and
deployers how to deal with most common application security
problems throughout the lifecycle.

In the near term, we are focused on the following tactical goals:

  1. Restructure the existing content
  2. Align the page with other Java-related OWASP projects like ESAPI, Webgoat, ASVS (including a new chapter: "OWASP J2EE Related Projects")
  3. Priorize work on missing content
  4. Implement a J2EE/Java EE Secure Coding Guideline based on ESAPI, ASVS and/or the Quick Reference Guide.
  5. Set-up a comparision of security aspects of web frameworks such like struts2, spring mvc, jsf, gwt, etc.
  6. Set-up a comparision of security aspects of templating technologies such as jsp, velocity, tiles, etc.
  7. Provide examples of how to prevent comman attacks like XSS in popular web frameworks
  8. A practical guide to implementing a security policy for a Java web application
  9. Provide secure configuration guides for popular application servers
  10. Provide an OWASP Java Top 10

Current Tasks

See the OWASP Java Table of Contents for details of individual article status


Please submit your high level ideas about the direction of the OWASP Java Project here (you can sign your ideas by adding four tilde characters like this ~~~~)

Project About

What does this OWASP project offer you?
What releases are available for this project?
what is this project?
Name: OWASP Java Project (home page)
Purpose: The OWASP Java Project's goal is to enable Java and J2EE developers to build secure applications efficiently.
License: N/A
who is working on this project?
Project Leader(s):
  • Mirko Richter @
how can you learn more?
Project Pamphlet: Not Yet Created
Project Presentation:
Mailing list: Mailing List Archives
Project Roadmap: Not Yet Created
Main links:
Key Contacts
  • Contact Mirko Richter @ to contribute to this project
  • Contact Mirko Richter @ to review or sponsor this project
current release
Not Yet Published
last reviewed release
Not Yet Reviewed

other releases

Joining the Project

user:Mrichter Mirko Richter is the project lead. The project's high level roadmap can be found at the Roadmap tab.

  1. visit the Tutorial,
  2. join the mailing list
  3. and pick a topic from the OWASP Java Table of Contents, or suggest a new topic.

Remember to add the tag: [[Category:OWASP Java Project]] to the end of new articles so that they're properly categorised.

Media in category "OWASP Java Project"

This category contains only the following file.