Belgium Events 2019

Revision as of 18:55, 13 November 2019 by LievenDesmet (talk | contribs) (update chapter meetings)

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These are the 2019 events of the OWASP Belgium Chapter.

Previous year: 2018.

25 November 2019 Meeting


  • Address:
Park Inn by Radisson Leuven
Martelarenlaan 36
3010  Leuven


  • 18h00 - 19h00: Welcome & networking
  • 19h00 - 19h10: OWASP Update
  • 19h10 - 20h00: Recent evolutions in the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect landscape by Philippe De Ryck (Founder of Pragmatic Web Security and Google Developer Expert)
  • 20u00-20u50: Detection and Prevention of DNS abuse in .eu TLD by Lieven Desmet (DistriNet, KU Leuven)


Recent evolutions in the OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect landscape


Ever since the introduction of OAuth 2.0, the framework has been in continuous evolution. The initial specification addressed a strong need for delegation. However, since then, various addendums focus on the needs of modern applications. Today, the suite of OAuth 2.0 specifications supports a broad spectrum of different scenarios. For each of these scenarios makes their security assumptions and defines a set of best practices.

In this talk, we will investigate a number of these recent additions. We look at the recently added “Proof of Key for Code Exchange” (PKCE) flow. We also investigate how it is becoming the default flow for Single Page Applications. We also extensively dive into “Proof of Possession” tokens. Their security properties are significantly better than bearer tokens. Consequentially, everyone should know what they entail, and how to use them. You will walk away with a solid overview of recent evolutions in OAuth 2.0, and where to use them in your applications.

Speaker Bio

Philippe De Ryck helps developers protect companies through better web security. As the founder of Pragmatic Web Security, he travels the world to train developers on web security and security engineering. His Ph.D. in web security from KU Leuven lies at the basis of his exceptional knowledge of the security landscape. Google recognizes Philippe as a Google Developer Expert for his work on security in Angular applications.

Detection and Prevention of DNS abuse in .eu TLD


This session reports on an extensive analysis of 14 months of domain registration in the .eu TLD. In particular, we investigate domain names that are registered for malicious purposes (such as spam, phishing, botnets C&C, ...). The goal of our research is to understand and identify large-scale malicious campaigns, and to early detect and prevent malicious registrations.

We explore the ecosystem and modus operandi of elaborate cyber criminal entities that recurrently register large amounts of domains for one-shot, malicious use. We further report on insights in the operational aspects of this business and observe, for instance, that their processes are only partially automated.

Finally, we present our automatic prediction system, that classifies at registration time whether a domain name will be used maliciously or benign. As such, malicious domain registrations can effectively be prevented from doing any harm. As part of the talk, we discuss the first results of this prediction system, which currently runs in production at EURid, the registry of the .eu TLD.

Speaker Bio

Lieven Desmet is a Senior Research Manager on Secure Software in the imec-DistriNet Research Group at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), where he outlines and implements the research strategy, coaches junior researchers in web and infrastructure security, and participates in dissemination, valorisation and spin-off activities.


Registration is via EventBrite:



summit working session on OWASP SAMM

OWASP Belgium presents a summit working session on OWASP SAMM in Antwerp on 30 April:

Registration via

20 February 2019 Meeting


Department of Computer Science (foyer at ground floor)
Celestijnenlaan 200 A
3001 Heverlee


  • 18h15 - 19h00: Welcome & sandwiches
  • 19h00 - 19h10: OWASP Update by Sebastien Deleersnyder (OWASP)
  • 19h10 - 20h00: ''CSP in the age of Script Gadgets by Prof. Martin Johns (TU Braunschweig)
  • 20h00 - 20h10: Break
  • 20h10 - 21h00: Zero to DevSecOps - security in a DevOps world (part 1, 2, 3) by Jimmy Mesta (CTO, Manicode Security)


CSP in the age of Script Gadgets

  • Speaker: Prof. Martin Johns (TU Braunschweig)
  • Presentation: not yet available


Content Security Policy (CSP) was first introduced in 2012. It should have been a silver-bullet defense against various injection attacks, including the rampant Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, modern development practices and legacy code bases proved to be substantial obstacles. New versions of CSP were released to address usability and compatibility for developers. Unfortunately, researchers discovered many bypasses and vulnerabilities in real-world CSP policies. The latest problem is known as script gadgets, where data is turned into code by legitimate functionality.

In this session, we will take a look at the problems you might encounter when deploying CSP. We start at CSP level 1 and work towards the latest level 3 version. We discuss CSP's features, potential bypasses, and pitfalls to avoid. In the end, you will have gained the knowledge to deploy a secure and effective CSP policy.

Speaker Bio

Martin Johns is a full professor at the TU Braunschweig.

Zero to DevSecOps - security in a DevOps world

  • Speaker: Jimmy Mesta (CTO, Manicode Security)
  • Presentation: not yet available


The way that software is being deployed is undergoing a massive transformation. As a result, security teams are at a point where they must adapt or be left in the dust. Traditional application security used to be heavyweight and human-driven. Tasks are more often than not mostly manual efforts. Time-consuming security testing often breaks down in an automated world. Dynamic vulnerability scanning and manual code reviews are incompatible with a world where code changes are automatically being pushed to production hundreds of times per day.

This talk will share lessons learned from helping teams of all sizes and maturity levels with their transformation to a DevSecOps model where security goes from being a blocker to an enabler. Specifically, we will cover some of the tools and processes you can start using right now. These tools allow you to start adding real value to your organization through enhanced visibility, vulnerability discovery, and feedback loops. It is time to adapt and embrace a new era of security.

Speaker Bio

Jimmy Mesta is CTO at Manicode Security. He is a DevSecOps, Mobile, and Kubernetes Secure Coding Instructor.


Registration is via EventBrite:

