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Projects Summit 2013/FAQ

Revision as of 19:17, 12 October 2013 by Samantha Groves (talk | contribs)

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This page contains answers to frequently asked questions about the 2013 OWASP Summit.


What is the Global Summit? Is it like AppSec or other OWASP conferences?

The OWASP Global Summit is the place where application security experts meet to discuss plans, projects and solutions for the future of application security. The Summit is not a conference - there are no talks or training seminars - this is an opportunity to do actual work to further the field of application security. We are holding the summit as part of our AppSec USA 2013 conference, but it is a separate activity from the conference itself. Participants will stay in shared accommodations and collaborate to produce tangible progress towards influencing standards, establishing roadmaps, and setting the tone for OWASP and application security for the coming years. The Summit will consist of Summit Working Sessions with a variety of topics set by our community. Participants are free to attend any working session, but we encourage everyone to select working sessions for topics where they have the most to contribute.

Anyone can attend the Summit! OWASP community members, application security experts, industry players, and developers are all welcome at the Summit. If you would like to receive a personalized invitation for yourself or another person, see the contact either Samantha Groves or Kait Disney Leugers.

When is the Summit?

The Summit will be held November 18th-21st (Monday-Thursday), 2013.

Where is the Summit being held?

The summit will be held in the Sky Lounge of the New York Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City.

New York Marriott Marquis

1535 Broadway

New York, New York 10036 USA

Who do I contact for help?

For general assistance in all matters related to the Summit, contact Samantha Groves, or Kait Disney Leugers.

For help with travel and accommodations, contact Samantha Groves.

Where do I stay?

There are a few hotels you can use for your accomodation needs; however, all of the staff and the majority of leaders will be staying at the New York Marriott Marquis.

Who is going to the Summit?

Please visit the the expected attendee page to see the most up to date list on who is attending the Summit.

OWASP Summit Sponsorship

I'm an OWASP leader - why isn't this free for me?

See the section on Attendee Funding - Background.

During the previous Summit, OWASP was fortunate enough to be able to fund all OWASP leaders to attend the Summit. Unfortunately, the budget for the 2011 Summit is not as large as the previous budget. Moreover, due to the success of OWASP, the organization has grown on a world-wide level resulting in even more OWASP leaders that want to attend the summit (and who need funding). As a result, we are making the following compromise with our attendees: OWASP will provide the venue meeting rooms, the A/V equipment, and the venue supporting staff in order to enable attendees to work effectively; attendees just have to pay for travel and accommodations for themselves.

So who is being funded?

The first round of funded/sponsored attendees included OWASP Staff and the Summit Planning Committee as well as active Global Committee Members. See also the funding priority list. The remainder of the budget was used by the Board to fund as many attendees as possible. The Board has decided to use a ranking system to select the individuals who will receive the funds currently available, as well as any funds that the Summit may receive through corporate sponsorships or other budget allocations. To learn more about the ranking system, see Dinis Cruz's email to Summit sponsorship applicants on 5 January 2011. The first round of sponsorships using the ranking system was decided and awarded on 10 January 2011. The second round of sponsorships using the ranking system was decided and awarded on 18 January 2011.

Regardless, of the decision on the next round of sponsored attendees, the budget for the Summit is not broad enough to cover the costs for all of the chapter leaders and committee members. We are depending on the local chapters to provide the financial support for their leaders. We would really love to be able to fund the summit for everyone, but the number of Qualified participants far exceeds the foundation's ability to provide funding.

*NOTE CHANGE* As of 18 January, 2011 we have maxed out all the funds we have available for attendees (from OWASP foundation funds and from the chapters themselves), if more funding is received via corporate or individual donations from now until the time of the Summit we will contact those listed on the Summit attendees seeking funds list.

What does it mean to be a "sponsored" Summit attendee?

See the section on Logistical Guidelines and Expectations for OWASP-Sponsored Attendees, which outlines what costs will be covered for sponsored attendees as well as what will be asked from them in exchange for the sponsorship.

Why do they get funded and not me?

Please understand that we have very limited funds available. If you were not chosen to be funded, please do not take it personally. We simply do not have enough funds to sponsor all the great members of OWASP to attend. The Board is choosing applicants using a ranking system in a manner that they deem to be fair and consistent with OWASP values. To learn more about the ranking system, see Dinis Cruz's email to Summit sponsorship applicants on 5 January 2011. Please contact the Board if you have any questions regarding the selection process.

Are there any requirements or expectations for sponsored Summit attendees?

Yes! See sections entitled "Award Claim" and "Logistical Guidelines and Expectations for OWASP-Sponsored Attendees" on the Summit Attendee Funding tab.

Why is the process to obtain OWASP funding for the Summit taking so long?

Please understand that there are a number of logistical challenges. We know the process has been difficult and confusing. Please bear with the Board as they determine the best way to distribute the available funds.

Someone from OWASP said that I would be sponsored. What gives?

Unfortunately there has been a great deal of inconsistent information spread around about the Summit, even from people highest levels of OWASP leadership. The reality is that the budget for the Summit is not nearly as large as it needs to be to sponsor all deserving attendees. If you were told by someone in OWASP that you would be sponsored, we apologize for the confusion. The official list of attendees sponsored by the OWASP Summit fund can be found under Confirmed and Funded Attendees .

Employer Funding/Sponsorship

My employer needs an invitation letter/documentation to sponsor me to go? Where do I get this?

There are a number of example letters and templates available on the promotional materials page. Please contact either Sarah Baso or Kate Hartmann with your request and they will work with you on creating some personalized material for your employer/sponsor.

Can my company have a logo on the wiki page if they fund me?

Yes. Please visit the expected attendee page to see where your company's logo will appear if they fund your trip.

I need help convincing my employer to fund my Summit attendance - what should I tell them?

There is text included in the example letters and templates available on the promotional materials page that can get you started.

You can use the following points in your discussion:
This year's Summit will be a worldwide gathering of OWASP leaders and key industry players to focus on a variety of important application security topics including browser security and cross-site scripting eradication. Attending the Global Summit will provide <EMPLOYEE NAME> with opportunities to:

  • Participate in the latest developments in application security and influence its trajectory
  • Gain new skills and technical knowledge for current application security projects
  • Find out where other companies are focusing their energy and resource
  • Increase visibility for <COMPANY’S NAME>

We believe that <EMPLOYEE’S NAME>’s attendance at the Global Summit is an worthwhile investment for both <COMPANY NAME> and <EMPLOYEE NAME>. Therefore, we are asking you to consider supporting <EMPLOYEE’S NAME> participation at this important event by donating <HIS/HER> time to attend the Summit.

Working Sessions

I want to plan/run a Working Session. What do I need to do?

  1. If you haven't done so already, please add your name to the Summit Attendee page.
  2. If you will need help with funding, please visit the attendee funding page for more information.
  3. After we know you plan to attend the Summit, visit the Summit working sessions page and determine if there is a working session already listed that you are interested in running/planning/leading, or if you have a new idea.
  4. If there is a session already listed without a leader, feel free to add your name as the leader and send Sarah Baso an email letting her know your intent. She can set you up with a working session page and let you know about any next steps. If a leader already is listed for the session you are interested in, add you your name as session member/attendee and email the leader to see what you can do to help.
  5. If you have a new idea, add your information to one of the blank rows under the appropriate track name, or under Track: OWASP if you don't see a good fit. Send Sarah Baso an email letting her know your intent. She can set you up with a working session page and let you know about any next steps.

I want to participate in a working session. Where do I sign up?

Visit the Summit working sessions page and click on "edit" in the left hand column next to the session(s) you want to participate in. When you get to the edit screen, scroll down to where you see:

| summit_session_attendee_name1 =
| summit_session_attendee_email1 =
| summit_session_attendee_wiki_username1 =

At a minimum, please enter your name and email address so the person leading the group can contact you to follow up.
If you don't see a session you are interested in and want to create one, or want to lead a session, see the answer under the previous question (above).

Corporate Sponsorship

My company wants to sponsor the Summit. What do I do?

Please visit the corporate sponsorship page to view current opportunities. If you are interested in supporting the global summit, please contact contact Tom Brennan by telephone at +1 973-202-0122.

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