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Welcome to the OWASP Rochester Local Chapter
Welcome to the local Rochester chapter homepage. The chapter leader is Andrea Cogliati
OWASP chapter meetings are free and open to anyone interested in application security. We encourage members to give presentations on specific topics and to contribute to the local chapter by sharing their knowledge with others. Prior to participating with OWASP please review the Chapter Rules.
The Rochester chapter has two mailing lists: one for announcements and one for general discussion. The announce list is for official communications (e.g meeting announcements, web site updates, etc). The discussion list is for general participation and everyone is encouraged to post. The announce mailing list can be found here. The discussion mailing list can be found here. You can also review the announce and discussion e-mail archives to see what folks have been talking about. Please make sure you are subscribed to announce to receive any last minute meeting info.
Local Officers
- President: Andrea Cogliati
- Vice President: Ralph Durkee
- Treasurer: Andrea Cogliati
- Secretary: Appointed by Event Coordinator at each meeting.
- Event Coordinator: Andrea Cogliati
- Communications and Chapter OWASP Evangelist: Lou Leone
- Webmaster: Duane Peifer
- Mail List Administrator: Duane Peifer
Meeting Dates & Location
Dates: The third Monday of every month, starting at 6:00 PM.
Types of events: Formal meeting (featuring a presentation) in odd numbered months, informal event (open forum with beer and wings) in even numbered months
- Locations for formal meetings will be announced with the corresponding meeting so please check here or the mailing announcement list for specific meeting location details.
- Beer and wings at Mac Gregor's Grill & Tap Room, 300 Jefferson Rd, NY 14623 Google Maps
Meetings reminders are sent to the OWASP Rochester Announcement distribution list at least one week prior to a meeting.
If you or your organization is interested in donating meeting space please contact one of the local officers listed above. The space should be able to accommodate at least 15 people.
Please note that for informal meetings at Mac Gregor's, everybody needs to pay for their own food and drinks.
OWASP at Mercury Network Security Symposium
OWASP will be at the Mercury Networks Security Symposium again this year. Come visit us at the Doubletree Hotel, Rochester, NY on May 3rd, from 7:45am to 12:30pm.
Our chapter evangelist, Lou Leone, will also give a technical presentation at 8:30: "I'll see your cross site scripting and raise you a Content Security Policy"
The event is free for IT Professional. Please register for the event at
See you there!
March Meeting
What: Joint ISSA and OWASP meeting - De-Anonymizing Anonymous
When: Thursday, March 29th at 5:30pm
Location: Nixon Peabody LLP - 1300 Clinton Square, Susan B. Anthony 14th Floor Conference Room - Rochester, NY 14604
Abstract: What do you see when you take the Guy Fawkes mask off? In 2011, Imperva managed to witness an assault by hacktivist group Anonymous including the use of social media for communications and, most importantly, their attack methods. Since Anonymous' targets are highly variable, anyone can fall victim and security professionals need to know how to prepare.
This talk will give a walk-through the key stages of an Anonymous campaign:
- Recruitment and communication: We show how Anonymous leverages social networks to recruit its members and pick a target.
- Application attack: We detail and sequence the steps Anonymous hackers deploy to take data and bring down websites.
- DDoS: In this final stage, we shed light on the DDoS techniques deployed to take down websites.
Finally, we recommend key mitigation steps that organizations need to take if they ever become a target.
Speaker: Noa is a senior security strategist at Imperva. In this role Noa researches and analyzes the trends in the threat landscape. She is a frequent contributor to different security magazines, comments on security-breaking news, and is regularly invited to speak at industry events. Currently, Noa also writes a bi-weekly column on hacker trends and techniques for SecurityWeek. Previously, she held the position of a senior security researcher for Imperva's Application Defense Center. She holds a MSc degree (specializing in information security) from Tel-Aviv University.
Please RSVP to by Friday, March 23 so we can get a headcount.
From the East:
- Take I-490 west towards Rochester
- Take the Clinton Avenue exit
- Clinton Square Building is about two blocks down on left
- Go through Broad Street/Clinton intersection, passing Clinton Square Building on the left
- Entrance to parking garage is on left just after Broad Street
- Take garage elevator to lobby; then take lobby elevators to 14th floor
- The meeting will be in Conference Room 14A, the Susan B. Anthony Room
From the West:
- Take I-490 East towards Rochester
- Stay in the right lane to cross the Troup-Howell bridge. Take exit 15 for South Ave./Rte. 15
- Turn left at 2nd light
- Turn left at light onto Clinton
- Stay in second lane from the left
- Clinton Square Building (corner of Clinton & Broad) is about two blocks down on left
- Go through Broad Street/Clinton intersection, pass Clinton Square Building on the left, and take first driveway on left to enter Clinton Square Parking garage
- Take garage elevator to lobby; then take lobby elevators to 14th floor
- The meeting will be in Conference Room 14A, the Susan B. Anthony Room
Past Events
- May 2011 Meeting
Michael Coates webinar on Attack-Aware Applications.
- May 5, 2011
MercuryFest Speakers: Ralph Durkee, Andrea Cogliati, Duane Peifer Topic: SSL Man-in-the-Middle and Spoofing Attacks
- March 2011 Meeting
Topic: Pastebin Scrapping
Speaker: Silas Cutler, Global Crossing, Security Architect
- January 2011 Meeting
Topic: State of OWASP and the State of Web Application Security
Speaker: Ralph Durkee, Durkee Consulting
- August Meeting 2010
Topic: Man in the Middle Attacks: SSL Spoofing
Speaker: Duane Peifer, UberGuard Information Security and Ralph Durkee, Durkee Consulting
- June Meeting 2010
Topic: Client Side Exploits 101
Speaker: JP Bourget, BS IT, RIT 2005; MS Computer Security and Information Assurance, RIT 2008; CISSP; MCSE, CSS
- May Meeting 2010
Topic: New Techniques in Application Intrusion Detection
Speaker: Al Huizenga, Director of Product Management, Mykonos Software, Inc.
- February Meeting 2010
Ralph Durkee presented a recap of the recent AppSec conference in DC.
Andrea Cogliati gave a talk on Identity Federation and Claim-based Security.
- Oct 29-30 2008 - Rochester Security Summit 2008
- The Rochester OWASP chapter in partnership with other Rochester institutions is organizing the third annual Rochester Security Summit Oct 29-30 during National Cyber Security Awareness Month. This year we'll have a full day dedicated to application security and we are are working to bring to Rochester the best national acclaimed speakers.
Visit Rochester Security Summit Site for details.
Past Presentations
January Meeting 2011 State of OWASP and the State of Web Application Security by Ralph Durkee PPT PDF
August Meeting 2010 Man in the Middle Attacks: SSL Spoofing by Duane Peifer PPT PDF
August Meeting 2010 Man in the Middle Attacks: SSL Spoofing by Ralph Durkee PPT PDF
May Meeting 2010 New Techniques in Application Intrusion Detection by Al Huizenga PPTX PDF
May Meeting 2010 Identity Federation and Claim-based Security by Andrea Cogliati PDF
February Meeting 2010 DC AppSec Conference Recap by Ralph Durkee PPT
October Hackerfest 2009 Introduction to OWASP Rochester by Ralph Durkee, Lou Leone PPT
September OWASP 2009 Securing Apache Web Servers with Mod Security & CIS Benchmark by Ralph Durkee PPT Open Office
May OWASP 2009 Key Management - One Perspective by Lou Leone PPT
May IEEE 2009 Introduction to OWASP, presented by Ralph Durkee and Andrea Cogliati PPT
January 2009 Paranoid Programming Practices, by Lou Leone and Aaron Witt PPT
May 2008 Database Encryption, by Ralf Durkee PPT
January 2008 SQL Injection and Dynamic SQL, by Andrea Cogliati ZIP
September 2007 2007 OWASP Top 10 Most Critical Web Application Security Vulnerabilities, by Ralph Durkee PowerPoint
October 2006 The first of the OWASP top ten: unvalidated input, by Steve Buck. PowerPoint
April 2006 PGP: Encryption for e-mail and web applications, by Ralph Durkee PDF
February 2006 Identity Theft, Phishing and Pharming, by Danny Allan PDF
February 2006 Secure e-mail, by Thomas Bullinger PDF
January 2006 PCI Compliance, by Pat Massey, Ralf Durkee, Maureen Baran PDF
September 2005 Two Factor Authentication for Java Applications with Client Certificates, by Ralf Durkee PDF Open Office
April 2005 Avoiding Backend Exploitation of Mail Forms, by Max Kessler PowerPoint Open Office
March 2005 Bringing Two-Factor Authentication to Web Applications, by Michael Starks PowerPoint Open Office
February 2005 Insecure Storage, by Chris Karr PowerPoint
January 2005 Access Control and Session Mgmnt, by Steve Buck PowerPoint Open Office
November 2004 Intro to OWASP by Ralf Durkee. Demonstration of SQL Injection attack and prevention, by Paul Cupo PowerPoint