This training event is provided by the OWASP London chapter
Training - May, 28th, 2010
Overview & Goal
- Apart from OWASP's Top 10, most OWASP Projects are not widely used and understood. In most cases this is not due to lack of quality and usefulness of those Document & Tool projects, but due to a lack of understanding of where they fit in an Enterprise's security ecosystem or in the Web Application Development Life-cycle.
- This course aims to change that by providing a selection of mature and enterprise ready projects together with practical examples of how to use them.
- If you are interested in participating in the hands on portion of the course, please bring a laptop.
- All OWASP Training Material can be downloaded from here.
Venue & Directions
May, 28th, 2010
Lloyds TSB, 5th Floor Seminar Room, Red Lion Court, London SE1 9EQ. Note that the Lloyd's TSB building is not well signposted, but is located on the Thames between the Financial Times building (at Southwark Bridge) and the Anchor pub. Closest tubes are London Bridge (walk west along the river) and Mansion House (cross Southwark Bridge).
Price & Registration
This Course is FREE for OWASP Members. Registration is mandatory. If you are not an OWASP member as of yet please consider becoming one - $50/USD 12 month term for individual supporters.
Course Registration
OWASP Membership (sign now)
Pictures & Videos
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OWASP Internals
Training Concept
We are proposing a Chapters driven model with local Chapter organization in which the courses are free for OWASP members, the contents are OWASP projects focused and the costs are supported by a mix of funding i.e. local chapter budget, external sponsorship, trainers sponsorship i.e. trip and/or accommodation paid by themselves and local chapter members’ sponsorship i.e. taking trainers in as guests.
Training Methodologies
- Course Evaluation Form - PDF and Word Files
London Training Specifics
FAQ Section
- Why are these Training Courses OWASP members only?
Training Logos
Training - April, 16th, 2010 (Closed)
OWASP projects and resources you can use TODAY. All OWASP Training Material can be downloaded from here
Overview & Goal
- Apart from OWASP's Top 10, most OWASP Projects are not widely used and understood. In most cases this is not due to lack of quality and usefulness of those Document & Tool projects, but due to a lack of understanding of where they fit in an Enterprise's security ecosystem or in the Web Application Development Life-cycle.
- This course aims to change that by providing a selection of mature and enterprise ready projects together with practical examples of how to use them.
- The course will be very practical where demonstration and hands-on exercises will be provided for the tools covered.
- If you are interested in participating in the hands on portion of the course, please bring a laptop.
Venue & Directions
April, 16th, 2010
BA Headquarters (Waterside near Heathrow). British Airways plc, Speedbird Way, Harmondworth, UB7 0GA. Buses from Terminal 5 to Waterside. Visitor car parking passes available.Canteen also available at lunchtime.
- NOTE 1: Anyone intending to travel on the staff buses (See Timetable) MUST have a hardcopy of an letter with their full name as this will need to be shown to the bus driver to allow them to travel - To claim this authorization letter please contact OWASP Project Manager.
- NOTE 2: Car travellers must Drive into the VISITORS lane and stop at the security post. Your car registration & name will be checked against the list (hence you must provide these to us beforehand) and you'll be directed to the visitors car park. Please state you are staying all day. Make your way to reception and ask for Amanda Warren (x 85025 or mobile number: 07808 717410). You will then be issued with a pass & escorted to the meeting room.
Price & Registration
This Course is FREE for OWASP Members. Registration is mandatory. If you are not an OWASP member as of yet please consider becoming one - $50/USD 12 month term for individual supporters.
[Closed - Course Registration]
OWASP Membership (sign now)