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Category:Chapter Resources
Here you will find documentation to help you manage your chapter. If you have any documentation you use for setting up your meetings, please feel free to pass it along for consideration. If you have any questions or need direction on the OWASP Chapter resources available to you, please contact the Community Manager, Noreen Whysel.
Chapter Handbook
The OWASP Chapter Leader Handbook is the definite guide for starting and operating an OWASP chapter. In contains both official rules and unofficial tips for running a chapter. All OWASP Chapter leaders are invited to add their own tips and tricks.
Chapter Materials
The OWASP Foundation can provide you with OWASP books, shirts, pens, lanyards, flyers, or other materials that you might need to jump-start your next meeting. Please visit [OWASP Merchandise].
Chapter Sponsorship
It will usually be necessary to obtain sponsorship for your chapter's operations. This can come from local businesses or larger companies. Take a minute to review the OWASP presentation for potential sponsorship for some ideas on how to approach potential sponsors.
Chapter Downloads
Download a zip file of the OWASP Logo in Illustrator and EPS format. Additional downloads can be found in the Media section below.
Chapter Presentations
There are many presentations available on the OWASP Presentations page. Also, many of the best presentations are on the OWASP AppSec Conference page. Check the agenda, where all the presentations are linked.
Chapter Leader Mailing List and Meetings
The chapter leader mailing list is here. Minutes from chapter leader meetings can be found in the Articles section below.
How to add a new Chapter Resources article
You can follow the instructions to make a new Chapter Resources article. Please use the appropriate structure and follow the Tutorial. Be sure to paste the following at the end of your article to make it show up in the Chapter Resources category:
[[Category:Chapter Resources]]
Pages in category "Chapter Resources"
The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.
Media in category "Chapter Resources"
The following 11 files are in this category, out of 11 total.