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* [[Password_Storage_Cheat_Sheet]]
* [[Password_Storage_Cheat_Sheet]]
== Ohloh ==

Revision as of 19:17, 22 April 2014


OWASP Passfault

OWASP Passfault evaluates the strength of passwords accurately enough to predict the time to crack. It makes creating passwords and password policies significantly more intuitive and simple. Passwords don't have to be annoying!


OWASP Passfault is more ...

Measures the size of password patterns and identifies more weak passwords, yet allows strong passwords that don't match traditional password policies
Provides detailed analysis of the password and sub patterns within the password, so users quickly learn how to make strong passwords without training.
Presents the password strength as the "time to crack" to help communicate the risk of poor paswords, providing the incentive to create stronger passwords.
Empowers administrators to know and control the strength and risk of the organization's passwords.


When setting a password, OWASP Passfault examines the password, looking for common patterns. It than measures the size of the patterns and combinations of patterns. The end result is a more academic and accurate measurement of password strength.

When setting a password policy, OWASP Passfault simplifies configuration to one simple meaningful measurement: the number of passwords found in the password patterns. This measurement is made more intuitive and meaningful with an estimated time to crack.


OWASP Passfault is free to use. It is licensed under the [Apache License version 2.0] .

What is Passfault?

OWASP Passfault provides:

  • Password Strength Evaluation
  • Password Policy Replacement


Presentation given at OWASP SnowFROC 2012 in Denver: Passfault-prezi-thumbnail.png


["Your Passwords don't Suck, its your Policies" - ZDNet] ["Redefining Password Strength and Creation" - MidsizeInsider, IBM] ["For Better Password Policies" - Turnlevel, Partnet] ["How long would it take to crack your password" - Naked Security, Sophos]

Quick Download


Demo Page

[demo site]

Project Leader

Cam Morris

Related Projects



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Demo Site

Does the Demo Site capture or log passwords?
No, of course not
How can I be sure the Demo Site doesn't capture or log passwords?
You can't, There is no way to verify what is uploaded to appspot (google is hosting the demo site) However, you can look at the code: We took the following steps to ensure the passwords don't get logged:
    • GETs are blocked so no urls will have accidental passwords stored in the logs
    • passwords are read directly from the input stream to prevent parsing into Java Strings
    • the memory is cleared as soon as analysis is complete.
    • HTTPS is required on this URL (using the appspot domain)

To be extra cautious, download the code and execute it locally. (See the readme)


OWASP Passfault is developed by a worldwide team of volunteers. The primary contributors to date have been:

  • Cam Morris
  • University of Florida Students:
    • Neeti Pathak
    • Carlos Vasquez
    • Chelsea Metcalf
    • Yang Ou


  • Partnet Inc. has donated paid labor on OWASP Passfault

Release 0.8

Goal: preparation for ESAPI

  • More meaningful word lists
    • Frequency lists: build lists of the most common words, names. (Done for English, Spainish)
    • Improved configuration of finders and wordlists

Release 0.9

  • UI improvements
  • Fix backlog of issues
  • experiment with configuration of wordlists

Release 1.0

Goals: Enterprise Ready - UI improvements for learning better password strategies - Easier to configure and run, not requiring a developer to wire things up.

Other Important Goals

  • Javascript library generated by GWT and GWT Export. Do you know GWT? Please help us build a javascript version of passfault using GWT Exporter:
  • OS system integration:
    • Linux
      • running passwd on linux runs passfault
      • apt-get install passfault
    • Windows
  • Document each pattern finder on the OWASP wiki.
  • JQuery Plugin: A JQuery plugin that will let a web site use either the passfault applet or a passfault JSON Service to analyze a password.
  • Wordlists: We can always use better word lists. Contact us on the mailing list if you want to help.

For current bugs and smaller tasks see the issues list on github:

What does this OWASP project offer you?
What releases are available for this project?
what is this project?
Name: OWASP Passfault (home page)
Purpose: Passfault evaluates password strength and enforces password policy. It identifies patterns in a password then enumerates how many passwords fit within the identified patterns. This approach is more accurate and more intuitive. It allows administrators to know and control password risk, instead of hoping that users will create strong passwords.
License: Apache Software License v2 (ASLv2)
who is working on this project?
Project Leader(s):
  • Cam Morris @
how can you learn more?
Project Pamphlet: Not Yet Created
Project Presentation: View
Mailing list: Mailing List Archives
Project Roadmap: View
Key Contacts
  • Contact Cam Morris @ to contribute to this project
  • Contact Cam Morris @ to review or sponsor this project
current release
last reviewed release

other releases