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(Scheduled Meetings)
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Previous meeting notes
Previous meeting notes
* [[Global_Chapter_Committee/Meetings/JAN30|January 30th 2009]]
* [[Global_Chapter_Committee/Meetings/JAN30|January 30th 2009]]
* [[:Image:Owasp-gcc-slides_June_2009.ppt| Meeting notes 1-Jul-1009 ]]
* [[:Image:Owasp-gcc-slides_June_2009.ppt|July 1st 2009 ]]
If you wish to join a discussion please email one of the committee members.
If you wish to join a discussion please email one of the committee members.

Revision as of 06:04, 2 July 2009

The Global Chapter Committee was created during the OWASP EU Summit in Portugal 2008. The primary purpose of the Global Chapter Committee is: Provide support and guidance on regional and global issues.

Mission Statement

To provide the support required at the local level to accomplish the overall mission and goals of the association.

Committee Members

Chapter Committee Board Member Rep: Seba (EU)

Committee Objectives

  • Define what a chapter is and its role in strengthening the OWASP initiatives and future goals
  • Identify the current state of Chapters- number of Chapters Vs active chapters
  • Define a clear and transparent guidelines of chapter Governance aligned with OWASP goals, including:
    • Start a new chapter or becoming a chapter leader
    • Chapter operation boundaries & Rules
    • Duties & responsibilities of a chapter leader
    • Managing regional and local level
    • Resolving conflict of interests.
    • Performance measurement metrics and minimal
  • Work closely with Global Membership Committee to incorporate the member benefits that enables the chapter to attract more memberships.
  • Work with Education Committee to promote OWASP projects as educational tools.

Scheduled Meetings

The Global Chapter Committee Meetings take place via Skype each last Tuesday of the month, see below for the local time: 
         12:00 a.m. @ New York 
         6:00 p.m.  @ Belgium
         7:00 p.m.  @ Israel
         11:30 p.m  @ India

Previous meeting notes

If you wish to join a discussion please email one of the committee members.

Deliverables & Tasks(DRAFT)

Below you can find the timeline of tasks, deliverables and objectives the committee has.

Task Deadline Type Status Description Who
Wiki Update A.S.A.P Wiki In Progress Update the Wiki with the Strawman of meeting notes, strategy objectives, tasks and plan as laid out in the conference call with the committee members. Seba
Global Chapter Survey 2009  ? Survey Planning Create a Survey to be sent to every chapter leader globally, asking them about the chapter, OWASP and what they need/want in the regions. TBD
Chapter Handbook End Q2 09 (Draft) Document Planning This is a core deliverable and will contain everything required to run a chapter successfully for OWASP. It will include guidelines, marketing, agreements etc. (See Below for further details) All Committee
Chapter Marketing 2009 Plan/Roadmap Planning Identify and document key objectives for marketing OWASP within each region through the local chapters. Provide details on what support is available to local chapters for marketing in their regions. TBD
How to make a successful Chapter  ? Whitepaper Planning The begining of a series of whitepapers that explains how others have made OWASP chapters successful, and what works and doesn't work. These are provided to existing and new chapter leaders to help with local planning of chapters. Puneet
Chapter Agreements  ? Documents Planning Chapter Agreements are used for when speakers attend local chapters to talk or other types of formal duties take place. A number of default templates will be created (or existing ones reviewed and updated) and will be available for all chapter leaders. TBD

Chapter Proposal/Plan 2009

The following details summarizes each of the proposed deliverables and objectives for 2009. Information here will be updated by the committee as it becomes available.

NOTE: The objective of the Global Chapter Committee is to not replace existing chapter leader materials and resources, but to significantly enhance the content and provide additional resources as required.

Global Chapter Survey 2009

The Global Chapter survey will be performed in the first quarter of 2009. The objective of this survey is to communicate abroad with all the chapter leaders on topics of concern and where they need help. The survey will also go into depth on "what works" and what doesn't work so we can share knowledge between all the chapter leaders.

The survey will probably be completed through survey monkey or similar online format, were we can also make the results available to everyone. The survey should take a chapter leader no longer then 15-20 minutes to complete. Questions will be prepared and reviewed by Mid March 2009, with the survey being released in Late march. It is expected that all chapter leaders will have approximately 7 days to complete and return.

Chapter Handbook (Draft)

The Chapter handbook is the most useful tool that any chapter leader can have. There are a number of existing documents, references and OWASP material available to chapter leaders, however this handbook will become the primary reference point for all chapters. The following items will be included in this handbook

Chapter's life cycle
  • Starting and restarting a chapter
  • Chapter's structure
    • Roles
    • Appointments and elections
  • Conflict of interest
    • Proper disclosure guidelines
  • Minimum activity requirements
  • Rules for running a chapter
  • Managing money
  • Managing the local chapter list
    • Disclosure of member details
  • CPE credits
Conferences and meetings
  • Speakers
  • Sponsorship
  • OWASP on the move
Marketing and growing a chapter
  • Branding
  • Cooperating with other organizations
  • Social networks
  • Media
  • Metrics for success

For the current version online see Chapter_Leader_Handbook however this will be updated with the new chapter handbook once a draft is available.

Chapter Marketing

The Chapter marketing plan will discuss what marketing requirements are needed in each chapter and formulate a plan to help grow each local chapter. It is believed alot of content for this will come from the Chapter survey.

The Chapter marketing plan will be a living document and will need to be updated regularly.

First draft of the plan to be completed by the end of Q2 2009.

How to make a successful Chapter

This is the first of a series of Whitepapers available to Chapters and the OWASP community. The whitepaper will discuss what has been successful in other chapters, and will give insight into some of the larger chapters and why they are so big.

This whitepaper should provide the "Top Ten" ideas for the growth of a chapter, and should help to guide chapter leaders in growing their local chapter membership.

Chapter Agreements

Chapter Agreements already exist (i.e the speaker agreement), however the goal of this task/program is to formalize these agreements and ensure they are readily available and accessible to all chapter leaders. This task will see the existing agreements be reviewed and updated by the committee before being re-published to the OWASP leader community.

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