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(Deliverables & Tasks<font color="red">'''(DRAFT)'''</font>)
Line 82: Line 82:
! Who
! Who
| [[Categorize (Organization) of educational materials]]
| Wiki Update
| '''TBD'''
| A.S.A.P (Feb 3rd 09)
| Message
| Wiki
| Status
| In Progress
| Categorize / Organization of the educational materials for audience by roles and responsibilities/technologies and use the summit workshop notes.
| Update the Wiki with the Strawman of meeting notes, strategy objectives, tasks and plan as laid out in the conference call with the committee members.
| Martin
| Justin
| [[Train the trainers (Teach the teachers)]]
| '''Q1/Q2/Q3/Q4 2009'''
| Delivery
| Planning
| Develop a train the trainer program that will train trainers to deliver training on OWASP related material.
| Mano

Revision as of 22:09, 1 February 2009

The Global Chapter Committee was created during the OWASP EU Summit in Portugal 2008. The primary purpose of the Global Chapter Committee is: Provide support and guidance on regional and global issues.

Mission Statement

To provide the support required at the local level to accomplish the overll mission and goals of the association

Committee Members

Chapter Committee Board Member Rep: Seba (EU)

Committee 2009 Plan

Committee Goals & Objectives

 To define what a chapter is and its role in strengthening the OWASP initiatives and future goals

 Identify the current state of Chapters- number of Chapters Vs active chapters

 Define a clear and transparent process of chapter Governance at regional and local level

 Develop Chapter Handbook that clearly defines the following

o Guidelines to start a new chapter / become a chapter leader

o Conflict of interest statement.

o Chapter closure –Guidelines

o Chapter operation boundaries & Rules

o Duties & Responsibilities of a chapter leader

o The performance measurement metrics

o Different Metrics reporting templates

 Align chapter objectives with the OWASP Goals.

 Work closely with Global Membership Committee to incorporate the member benefits that enables the chapter to attract more memberships.

 Work with Education Committee to promote OWASP projects as educational tools.<

Scheduled Meetings

The Global Chapter Committee Meetings take place via Skype, see below for the local time: 
         7:00 a.m. @ New York 
         1:00 p.m. @ Belgium
         2:00 p.m. @ Israel
         5:30 p.m  @ India
        22:00 p.m. @ Australia

Next meeting(s) scheduled for:

(Scheduled for every two weeks currently) If you wish to join a discussion please email one of the committee members.

Deliverables & Tasks(DRAFT)

Below you can find the timeline of tasks, deliverables and objectives the committee has.

Task Deadline Type Status Description Who
Wiki Update A.S.A.P (Feb 3rd 09) Wiki In Progress Update the Wiki with the Strawman of meeting notes, strategy objectives, tasks and plan as laid out in the conference call with the committee members. Justin

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