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Caffix BSidesROC.jpeg

Jeff Foley is an innovative, results-driven technical leader known for delivering game-changing research findings to overcome real-world challenges. Jeff serves as the US Manager for Penetration Testing & Red Teaming at National Grid and as the CTO & Co-founder of ClaritySec, an Upstate New York based information security startup. Prior to this, he was the Director of Research for the Cyber Systems, Weapon Systems & Sensors Operation at Alion Science & Technology. In his spare time, Jeff enjoys experimenting with new blends of coffee, supporting local university’s information security programs, and participating in information security competitions, such as DEF CON Capture the Flag.

Today Jeff serves as technical adviser to the American Cybersecurity Institute and is a member of the SUNY Polytechnic Institute Cybersecurity Advisory Board, Mohawk Valley Community College Computer Science Advisory Board, (ISC)2 Central New York Chapter Board, and CNY Hackathon Competition Red Team.

Find caffix here:

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-- Bugcrowd LevelUp 0x04 Virtual Conference - "OWASP Amass: Discovering Internet Exposure" - Video

-- CSIAC Webinars - "OWASP Amass: Discovering Your Exposure on the Internet" - Video

-- "OWASP Amass: Beyond Subdomain Enumeration" talk at BSidesROC 2019 - Video

-- OWASP Amass Project Showcase at AppSec USA 2018 - Video

-- Ligthning Talk (remote), "Introducing OWASP Amass Project" - Video

-- Video of the 'Designing your Own Tools: The Amass Penetration Testing Tool' presentation at CNY Hackathon Fall 2017 - Video

Project Lead and Developer to the following OWASP projects:

-- Amass DNS Enumeration and Network Mapping Tool Suite

Additional Projects:

-- CNY Hackathon Competition