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Talk:OWASP Code Review Guide Table of Contents
The link labels used in this Table of Contents, which were inherited by the labels in the navigation links, do not correspond with the article titles themselves. The links work, but it can cause some confusion when trying to refer to a particular article. Of the two, the articles should be renamed (page move), probably when giving them their own namespace. --Thomas Herlea 12:04, 9 September 2010 (UTC)
The link to "About The Open Web Application Security Project" is an example of how an article can be used both standalone and as part of a sequence of articles which make up a book. The standalone article should not be equipped with navigation links, because "About OWASP" is definitely not just an article in the Code Review Guide series. The workaround, for now, can be to link from the Code Review Guide table of contents to a "shell" page with the "OCRG1.1:" prefix ("OWASP Code Review Guide version 1.1"), which contains the navigation links and transcludes the content of the standalone article. I haven't found the support for books on Wikipedia, Wikibooks or Wikiversity to be powerful in supporting sequential navigation. --Thomas Herlea 14:02, 9 September 2010 (UTC)
The technique above can be generalized to allow articles to be shared between Guides without duplicating their content. For example, identical SQL Injection content could be present both in the Code Review Guide and in the Testing Guide. Duplication, would lead in time to the two texts drifting apart. --Thomas Herlea 14:02, 9 September 2010 (UTC)