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SpoC 007 - OWASP LiveCD Education Project - Progress Page

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The OWASP LiveCD Education Project is intended to be a educational supplement to the LabRat LiveCD. The Education Project goal is to provide comprehensive and relevant guilds and tutorials detailing the use of tools contained within LabRat through the use of written tutorials and accompanying videos.


OWASP - WebScarab Exploiting Input Validation PDFHTML
Exploiting parameters and input validation.
OWASP - LabRat Up and Running on Hard Disk PDF HTML
Guide to installing OWASP LabRat to your hard disk.
OWASP - Running WebGoat in LabRat PDFHTML
Guide to getting WebGoat up and Running in LabRat.
OWASP - Using JBroFuzzer in LabRat PDF HTML
Introduction to using JBroFuzzer in LabRat.
OWASP - WebGoat Introduction to XSS PDF HTML
Introduction and working examples of XSS using WebGoat in LabRat.
OWASP - Building Your Own LabRat ISO PDF HTML
Guide to building your own custom LabRat ISO distribution.
Running WebGoat in LabRat - Video Tutorial
Installing LabRat to VMware - Video Tutorial
Introduction to Cross Site Scripting using WebGoat - Video Tutorial

Project Sponsor

The OWASP LiveCD Education Project sponsor:


Feedback and Participation

It is our hope that the OWASP LiveCD Education Project will be of valuable contribution to LabRat and a important source of educational resources for the security community. Please contribute to the project by volunteering to write additional material, sending your comments, questions, and suggestions to

Original Project Brief

Executive Summary

I am proposing a new project that will educate current OWASP LiveCD users and assist in generating more LiveCD users. The education will be conducted by creating documentation and media using popular tutorial techniques such as Challenges, text tutorials, and video tutorials. The tutorials will help guide all types of users through using the OWASP LiveCD and its tools. After the completion of this project we propose that all of the media be added to the LiveCD so that users have a single all encompassing package to expand their knowledge of application security. This project will effectively bring together documentation for many OWASP projects into one deliverable that can be used at conferences, trade shows, and by educators. The key to promoting a live security distribution is helping the community learn to love every aspect of it. Objective

The objective is to produce multiple quality instructor led video tutorials and text tutorials that educate users on using the LiveCD and tools within. This will also include in assisting to make sure that the LiveCD is not only an array of tools but a powerful medium for education.


  • 5 Full screen video tutorials on using the LiveCD and the OWASP tools on it.
  • 5 Text tutorials using the LiveCD and the OWASP tools on it.
  • 3 Guided challenge scenarios that help a user learn more about the LiveCD.
  • A Morphix module with all educational data included to be added to the LiveCD.

Each deliverable will be OWASP branded so that any distribution ( With OWASP approval )of the material will help bring in new OWASP users.