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Projects/OWASP Ruby on Rails and friends Security Guide
OWASP Ruby on Rails and friends Security GuideReal text will be here soon... DescriptionReal description will be here... LicensingOWASP Ruby on Rails and friends Security Guide is free to use. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license], so you can copy, distribute and transmit the work, and you can adapt it, and use it commercially, but all provided that you attribute the work and if you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. |
What is OWASP Ruby on Rails and friends Security Guide?OWASP Ruby on Rails and friends Security Guide provides:
PresentationLink to presentation
Project LeaderPaolo Perego (
Related Projects
Quick DownloadOwasp Ruby on Rails and friends security guide is proudly hosted on github. Email ListNews and Events
In PrintThis project will be purchased as a print on demand book from
- When the guide will be ready?
- I'm planning to start the outline on Summer 2014. I guess a beta will eventually will be ready later in winter '14.
OWASP Ruby on Rails and friends Security Guide is developed by a worldwide team of volunteers. The primary contributors to date have been:
- Paolo Perego
None at the moment
As of OWASP Ruby on Rails and friends Security Guid, the priorities are:
- define a checklist about hardening your (apache|nginx)+mod_passenger installation
- define a checklist about hardening your models with popular ORMs (ActiveRecords, Datamapper, ...)
- define a checklist about write a secure Sinatra, Padrino and Ruby on Rails application
Involvement in the development and promotion of OWASP Ruby on Rails and friends Security Guide is actively encouraged! You do not have to be a security expert in order to contribute. Some of the ways you can help:
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