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Project Information:template Orizon Project - Final Review - Second Reviewer - F

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Project Deliveries & Objectives

OWASP Orizon Project's Deliveries & Objectives


1. At what extent have the project deliveries & objectives been accomplished? Having in consideration the assumed ones, please exemplify writing down those of them that haven't been realised.

75% reached. Although a lot of the ambitious goals were reached, some have not (e.g.C# support and documentation on the wiki)

2. At what extent have the project deliveries & objectives been accomplished? Having in consideration the assumed ones, please quantify in terms of percentage.


3. Please do use the right hand side column to provide advice and make work suggestions.

Keep up the great work. Based on the you should make Orizon documentation available on the wiki: this will make your valuable work much more understandeable for people who could contribute.

Assessment Criteria

OWASP Project Assessment Criteria


1. Having into consideration the OWASP Project Assessment Methodology which criteria, if any, haven’t been fulfilled in terms of Alpha Quality status?

2. Having into consideration the OWASP Project Assessment Methodology which criteria, if any, haven’t been fulfilled in terms of Beta Quality status?

More documenation on the wiki. Some is already available on

3. Having into consideration the OWASP Project Assessment Methodology which criteria, if any, haven’t been fulfilled in terms of Release Quality status?

First Beta has to be reached.

4. Please do use the right hand side column to provide advice and make work suggestions.

I suggest to make the ties even stronger with the source code review guide and to evolve the tool further in terms of usability & documentation. Also start using Orizon on open source (OWASP) projects to mature the framework and plug-ins and create a bigger user group.