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OWASP Ultimatum Project

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OWASP Ultimatum Project

The OWASP ultimatum Projct will be a all in one vulnerability testing tool it will automatically keep updating so that it has got latest vulnerability information on which it can work on it can also be used to pentest different web server applications. Mostly my project will be sort of a web application testing tool. It should be able to identify spams, malwares embedded in a email attachment or any of the pdf or doc sent over mail,etc. It can act as sort of a antispyware tool, which will be running in background and keep checking for updates every day so that it has the latest information which can be used either for pentesting a application,scan a host or even analyze the network traffic and tell if traffic is normal or something bad has happened. Basically i will be using python for this.


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OWASP Ultimatum Project is free to use. It is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 License.

What is Ultimatum?

OWASP Ultimatum provides:

  • xxx
  • xxx


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Project Leader

Robin Nayak

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News and Events

  • [20 Nov 2013] News 2
  • [30 Sep 2013] News 1

In Print

This project can be purchased as a print on demand book from


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