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OWASP Stinger Version 3

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Development work on version 3 never got much past the concept stage as there was significant work to do to stabilize the previous versions and correct some problems. The J2EE platform does not include any validation features. This leaves many organizations to craft their own validation mechanisms, often incomplete, flawed, and inefficient.

The 3.x series will mark the inclusion of web application firewall specific features. OWASP Stinger 3.x will have some of the following notable features:

  • Validation of the entire HTTP request: including URI, headers, cookies, and parameters
  • A robust "learning" mode to make rule generation simplistic and efficient.
  • A full web application dedicated to editing the OWASP Stinger configuration files

Check out the full list of new features being implemented at the OWASP Stinger 3.x ideas page.

Project Lead

The OWASP Stinger Project leader is Wesley West.


Stinger is offered under the LGPL. For further information on OWASP licenses, please consult the OWASP Licenses page.


  • Click here to view the OWASP Stinger 3.x ideas page!
  • Due to the development status of Stinger 3.0, no downloads currently exist.

Feedback and Participation

We hope you find Stinger useful. Please contribute back to the project by sending your comments, questions, and suggestions to the Stinger mailing list. Thanks!

To join the OWASP Stinger mailing list or view the archives, please visit the subscription page.


The Open Web Application Security Project is purely an open-source community driven effort. As such, all projects and research efforts are contributed and maintained with an individual's spare time. If you have found this or any other project useful, please support OWASP with a donation.

Project Sponsors

The OWASP Stinger project is sponsored by Aspect_logo.gif.