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OWASP PureCaptcha

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Welcome to OWASP Pure Captcha project page!

OWASP PureCaptcha

Use CAPTCHAs in your application without any dependencies, no required libraries and nothing to install. Just include a single small source-code file to have fully functional lightweight CAPTCHAs in your project.


CAPTCHA is a feature detecting humans from computers, needed in many aspects of all web applications to prevent bots from flooding and spamming. Unfortunately all existing libraries and APIs require too much effort for a small application to be feasible and maintainable, so a lot of developers just give up on using CAPTCHAs where they are needed. This is due to the fact that generating CAPTCHAs requires a large body of code libraries to be available. It depends on image manipulation (like GD and Imagick), font rendering (Freetype and etc.) SOAP or Curl and etc. each of which are high level libraries and have a lot more dependencies. PureCapthca provides a single source code file which does the entire CAPTCHA generation and handling, because it only includes code for rendering a few alphanumeric letters from scratch, creating simple BMP files from nothing and modifying simple bitmap images.

This allows developers to easily add a single source code file to their projects and reap full CAPTCHA benefits with minimal memory and processing footprint and ZERO dependencies.


Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License

Apache 2 License

Project Resources


Source Code

Project Leader

Abbas Naderi

Related Projects

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Project Type Files CODE.jpg
Incubator Project Owasp-builders-small.png
Affero General Public License 3.0

News and Events

First version released!