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OWASP Education Project Roadmap
This page is split in 2 parts.
The first part is the split-up of the current goals in tasks. Here you can add who is working on what module together with the status on progress.
The second part lists longer term goals of the Eduction project. Do not hesitate to add goals and discuss them in the mailing list.
Current Goal Tasks
Sub Goal 1: Create overview of OWASP presentations (100%)
The following is a list of tasks that have to be performed for the project:
- Add the majority of presentation material on the presentation overview page (100% - all)
- Provide Guidance page on OWASP presentations and re-usability and link in other related presentation pages (100% Seba)
Sub Goal 2: Design agenda 2 Tracks (100%)
For the two 4 hour tracks:
- A Web Application Security Primer Track for beginners (4 hours)
Perform the following:
- Describe track overview (100% - Seba)
- Describe track target audience (100% - Seba)
- Design a TOC with titles, one paragraph per title and timing (100% - Seba)
- Perform a review cycle on the TOC and get external feedback (100% - Seba)
- Finish TOC for approval by the project team (100% - Seba)
- What Developers Should Know on Web Application Security Track for developers (4 hours)
Perform the following:
- Describe track overview (100% - seba)
- Describe track target audience (100% - volunteers needed)
- Design a TOC with titles, one paragraph per title and timing (100% - seba)
- Perform a review cycle on the TOC and get external feedback (100% - Seba)
- Finish TOC for approval by the project team (100% - Seba)
Sub Goal 3: Create Modules (100 %)
To support the 2 target tracks and eventually other tracks, modules will have to be created. This means:
- Work out some basic rules on module slides (100% - Seba)
For the two 4 hour tracks:
- A Web Application Security Primer Track for beginners (4 hours)
Perform the following:
- From the TOC identify the necessary modules. There will probably be overlap with TOC entries (100% - Seba)
- Module - Why WebAppSec matters (100% - Seba)
- Module - OWASP Top 10 Introduction & Remedies (100% - Seba)
- Module - Embed within SDLC (100% - Seba)
- Module - Good WebAppSec Resources (100% - Seba)
- Perform a review cycle by project members that did not create the module (100% - Seba)
- What Developers Should Know on Web Application Security Track for developers (4 hours)
Perform the following:
- From the TOC identify the necessary modules. There will probably be overlap with TOC entries (100% - Seba)
- Module - Why WebAppSec matters (100% - Seba)
- Module - OWASP Top 10 Introduction & Remedies (100% - Seba)
- Module - Embed within SDLC (100% - Seba)
- Module - Good Secure Development Practices (100% - Seba)
- Module - Testing for Vulnerabilities (100% - Seba)
- Module - Good WebAppSec Resources (100% - Seba)
- Perform a review cycle by project members that did not create the module (100% - Seba)
Sub Goal 4: Track try-outs (20%)
In further stages the tracks can be piloted on 'victim' audiences.
- Feedback forms will be necessary to capture structured feedback (100% - Seba: template created)
- (parts) of modules will need corrections (0% - volunteers needed)
Sub Goal 5: Track Distribution
To support further evolution of the existing tracks:
- Teach the teacher sessions can be set up
- Webinars can be created
- Figure out a way to accompany module with audio/video support (0% - tbd)
Future Goals
When we get here, we can say that the project reached Beta Status and we should define goals to get it to Release Quality.
- Define other tracks
- 2 h awareness track
- 4h What testers should know on Web Application Security track
- ...
- Set up and maintain improvement cycles for existing tracks
- Further support OWASP and other organisations to (re)use the OWASP Education Modules and Tracks
- Set up certification mechanisms for trainers and attendees
- Define a broader curriculum ...