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Main Page/OWCS results

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The students and projects selected for the first OWASP Winter Code Sprint are:

Testing Framework Improvements Tao Sauvage
GSoC Extension - Improved Proxification and Plug-n-Hack support Cornel Punga
GSoC Extension - Flexible Mapping, Templating Engine, Passive Online Scanner Anirudh Anand
HTTP Request Translator Team Ricardo de Barros Marliere Cornel du Preez Ramana Subramanyam Pradeep Maripi
JS Library Sniper Team Rohit Dua Aalekh Nigam
Off-line HTTP traffic uploader Marina Wahl
Tool Utilities Module Nishaanth Gunasekeran

Challenge Sandbox Abhijeet Nikam Rahul Dev Ravindar Kumar Sambhav Jain Sudharshan Kumar
Fix Issues(Delete installation directory after the platform has been installed, Captcha Support,Unit tests) Charalampis Kaklamanos
CMS Gamefication Nefeli Iliana Kousi
Fix Issues(Test the platform according to the owasp top10 and fix any issues revealed, Fuzz the web application using Burp Suite or ZAP and report/fix any issue Stavros Miras
Challenge Based web text rpg Alex Mourtziapis
Passfault project
Passfault Project Mike Glassman Kevin Sealy Brandon Lyeu Scott Sands Georgina Matias"
Advanced reporting Chienli Ma
CI Integration Pavlos Tzianos

The students have already started working with their respective mentors and the first code results are in. As we move closer to the midterm evaluation we will update the page with more detailled descriptions of the students and their projects and their experience so far.

Stay Tuned!