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Argentina-bandera-200px.jpg ARGENTINA
  • Buenos Aires:
  • Patagonia:
Bolivia-bandera-200px.jpg BOLIVIA
  • BOLIVIA Santa Cruz:
Brasil-bandera-200px.jpg BRAZIL
  • PE, Recife:
  • ES, Vitória:
Chile-bandera-200px.jpg CHILE
  • Santiago
Colombia-bandera-200px.jpg COLOMBIA
  • Barranquilla:
  • Cali:
  • Manizales:
Ecuador-bandera-200px.jpg ECUADOR
  • Quito:
  • Quito:
El-salvador-bandera-200px.jpg EL SALVADOR
  • San Salvador:
Guatemala-bandera-200px.jpg GUATEMALA
  • Ciudad de Guatemala:

Honduras-bandera-200px.jpg HONDURAS
  • San Pedro Sula:
Mexico-bandera-200px.jpg MÉXICO
  • Cozumel:
Panama-bandera-200px.jpg PANAMÁ
  • Coclé:
  • Panamá City:
  • Veraguas:
Paraguay-bandera-200px.jpg PARAGUAY
  • Asunción :Por definir

Peru-bandera-200px.jpg PERÚ

  • Cusco:
  • Lima:

Republica-dominicana-bandera-200px.jpg REP. DOMINICANA

  • Santo Domingo:

Uruguay-bandera-200px.jpg URUGUAY

  • Montevideo:

Objetivos del LatamTour

El objetivo de OWASP LatamTour es crear conciencia sobre la seguridad de las aplicaciones en la región de América Latina, para que las personas y las organizaciones puedan tomar decisiones informadas sobre los verdaderos riesgos de seguridad de las aplicaciones. Todos son libres de participar en OWASP y todos nuestros materiales están disponibles bajo una licencia de software abierta y gratuita.

Estamos proponiendo un modelo impulsado por conferencias de capítulos en el que las sesiones son gratuitas para todos y los costos son respaldados por una combinación de fondos, es decir, Fundación OWASP, presupuesto local de capítulos, patrocinio externo, etc. También se ofrecen sesiones de capacitación de 1 día en algunos países y capitulos. Los honorarios de estas sesiones son de $ 200USD para los miembros de OWASP y de $ 250 USD para los que no son miembros (se pueden aplicar descuentos grupales).

¿Quién debería asistir al Tour Latam?

  • Desarrolladores de aplicaciones
  • Testers de aplicaciones y garantía de calidad
  • Administración de proyectos de aplicación y personal
  • Chief Information Officers, Chief Information Security Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Diputados, Asociados y Personal
  • Directores financieros, auditores y personal responsable de la supervisión y el cumplimiento de la seguridad de TI
  • Gerentes de seguridad y personal
  • Ejecutivos, gerentes y personal responsable de la gobernanza de seguridad de TI
  • Profesionales de TI interesados en mejorar la seguridad de TI
  • Cualquier persona interesada en conocer o promover la seguridad de las aplicaciones web

Latam Tour Objective

The OWASP Latam Tour objective is to raise awareness about application security in the Latin America region, so that people and organizations can make informed decisions about true application security risks. Everyone is free to participate in OWASP and all of our materials are available under a free and open software license.

We are proposing a chapters conference driven model in which the sessions are free for everybody and the costs are supported by a mix of funding i.e. OWASP Foundation, local chapter budget, external sponsorship, etc. 1-day training sessions are also offered in some tour stops. These sessions’ fees are $ 200USD for OWASP members and $ 250 USD for non-members (group discounts may apply).

Who Should Attend the Latam Tour?

  • Application Developers
  • Application Testers and Quality Assurance
  • Application Project Management and Staff
  • Chief Information Officers, Chief Information Security Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Deputies, Associates and Staff
  • Chief Financial Officers, Auditors, and Staff Responsible for IT Security Oversight and Compliance
  • Security Managers and Staff
  • Executives, Managers, and Staff Responsible for IT Security Governance
  • IT Professionals Interesting in Improving IT Security
  • Anyone interested in learning about or promoting Web Application Security

Special offer - Become an OWASP Member

As part of the OWASP Latam Tour, you could become an OWASP Member by paying 20 U$D. Show your support and become an OWASP member today!

Join button.jpg


  • If you have any questions about the Latam Tour, please send an email to [email protected]

#OWASPLatamTour hashtag for your tweets for Latam Tour (What are hashtags?)

@AppSecLatam Twitter Feed (follow us on Twitter!) <twitter>34534108</twitter>



ARGENTINA - Buenos Aires

ARGENTINA - Patagonia


BRAZIL - Recife

BRAZIL - Vitória



COLOMBIA - Manizales

COLOMBIA - Barranquilla


CHILE - Viña del Mar






HONDURAS - San Pedro Sula



PERÚ - Lima

PERÚ - Cusco






If you have questions or require an exception to any of these please contact the OWASP Staff.

Policy Applicability
All content must be vendor neutral All Events - Core Value
All content must be made available to the public after the conference All Events - Core Value
All calls for papers, training and registration must be open and promoted to the public All Events - Core Value
Selecting Committee Members (Training or Papers) must not submit All Events
Use the conference website/wikipage to submit papers. It must supports blind paper submissions. All Events
All events must be conducted in a manner consistent with the OWASP Mission, Principles and Code of Ethics All Events - Core Value
OWASP Event Definitions All Events
OWASP Event Requirements All Events
Local host chapters will share in OWASP event profits under the following schedule. In the case of multiple host chapters, the host chapters will be responsible for determining the division before the event. Policy Document
  • Global AppSec Conference - 10% of event profits up to Profit Goal set in annual Foundation Budget ($10,000 for multi-chapter events), 40 % of event profits in excess of Profit Goal. No profit cap.
  • Local and Regional Events - 90% of event profits. No profit cap.
All Events
All OWASP Events must be coordinated with OWASP Foundation Staff by submitting an events description via OCMS. An approval that the event will be posted on the OWASP Wiki and Event announcement webpage will be sent from the OCMS input. Any request for funding support must follow normal funding request procedures separate from the OCMS submission. All Events
Events must have an OWASP Wiki Page, or a webpage showing the OWASP logo and be linked to the OWASP wiki Events Pages All Events
Only OWASP Board members or their designates may enter into contracts on behalf of the foundation All Events
All finances must be handled by the OWASP Foundation All Events
LATAM TOUR Conferences may include training (with or without entree fee depending on the city) Regional Conferences
LATAM TOUR Conferences must not charge an admission fee Regional Conferences
All Training providers are required to sign a Training Instructor Agreement Training
Training revenue will be split 60/40 (OWASP/Training Provider) Training
Each training class allows for two complimentary seats to be made available to OWASP Leaders. This must be included in the Training Instructor Agreement. These are available on a first come basis. Only one training seat per session is allowed per chapter to allow for diversity in distribution of seats.

If a leader registers for a complimentary training seat but does not attend the full training session the chapter will be charged 60% of the retail cost of the training session and the leader will not be given a complimentary ticket (conference or training sessions) for any other Global AppSec events in the following year.

Speakers must sign a Speaker Agreement Speakers
Speakers will not receive compensation for their speaking engagement Speakers
Event organizers must reach out to the WIA program to assist with the program committee and to help find suitable keynote and invited speakers. Global AppSec Conferences & Regional Events
Event organizers must send an open call for participation for volunteers, papers committee. Global AppSec Conferences & Regional Events
Event organizers should encourage all training and CFP proposals to go through the “Talk bootcamp” process. Global AppSec Conferences & Regional Events
WIA initiative should lead a search for women keynotes, featured, panel speakers. Global AppSec Conferences & Regional Events
Event organizers and WIA initiative should reach out to women speaker lists to encourage training proposals and speakers to submit through the normal CFP process. If there is to be a women in AppSec panels to be organized, the WIA initiative must be involved and feature predominantly women panelists. Global AppSec Conferences & Regional Events
These aren’t quotas, but a goal. Global events organizers are free to exceed these metrics.
*At least 10% of the program committee must be women, and must include the WIA initiative members
*At least 50% of keynotes and featured speakers must be women
*At least 25% of panel participants must be women. If there are no women participants, the panel should be cancelled. 
*At least 10% of talks must be women

If these metrics cannot be reached, the organizing committee should reach out to the Conference Manager for assistance, and must apply for an exception if they can’t be reached after all avenues have been exhausted.

Global AppSec Conferences
These aren’t quotas, but an aspiration goal for regional events. Organizers are free to exceed these metrics.
*At least one of the program / papers committee must be a woman, and should include the WIA initiative members
*At least one of keynotes, featured and invited speakers must be a woman
*At least 25% of panel participants should be women. If a panel has no women participants, it should be cancelled
*At least 10% of talks chosen should be women speakers
Regional Events