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H2. Guard your privacy

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Description: Everybody wants to ensure that personal and confidential information is only known to those that should know it and not strangers, the general public, or even attackers.

Threats: Information and data can be exposed not only through attacks but also through being careless or too open on social media or by unintentionally leaving information in documents such as EXIF data or geo locations in documents and pictures. You may accidentally reveal information you would rather wish kept private later.

Impact: Reputation loss, embarrassment, data breach, stolen credentials, and loss of domains or social media accounts


Consumers should focus on:

1. Limit information shared on social media, including online “quizzes”, location, vacation plans, etc.
2. Use HTTPS; check your browser’s address bar for the secure icon
3. Check your privacy settings on all social media and mobile apps

Tech-savvy users should also:

1. Delete/shred information which is no longer needed
2. Encrypt important information
3. Use Internet search engines which do not collect/retain search information for sensitive searches
4. Encrypt all your communications when browsing by using a VPN or browsers that have a built-in proxy or VPN feature.

Example: Posting pictures or vacation plans openly on social media can inform bad guys where you are, if you may be alone, or if your residence is unoccupied.