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GlobalMembershipCommitteeMeeting Notes

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Membership Committee Monthly Call Date: February 21, 2012

Time: 12 noon EST

Location: Go To Meeting 1. Please join my meeting, Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. 2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone. Australia: +61 (0) 2 6108 4655 Austria: +43 (0) 7 2088 1403 Belgium: +32 (0) 28 08 4294 Canada: +1 (416) 800-9295 Denmark: +45 (0) 69 91 88 65 Finland: +358 (0) 942 41 5781 France: +33 (0) 182 880 459 Germany: +49 (0) 898 7806 6468 Ireland: +353 (0) 14 845 979 Italy: +39 0 699 36 98 81 Netherlands: +31 (0) 208 080 382 New Zealand: +64 (0) 4 974 7214 Norway: +47 21 03 58 99 Spain: +34 931 81 6669 Sweden: +46 (0) 852 503 499 Switzerland: +41 (0) 435 0167 09 United Kingdom: +44 (0) 203 535 0610 United States: +1 (914) 339-0034 Access Code: 698-935-222 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting ID: 698-935-222


Kelly Santalucia

Kate Hartmann

Helen Gao

Gandhi Narasimha

Job Board - in 2009 the job board was for paid current corporate supporters of OWASP. Kate - Should we revisit this to make it available to corporate supporters again as an added benefit?

Helen - Suggests to leave it open for now since it is not being abused and considering that traffic is low. Kate - agrees that we can leave it open for now, but in a month or so, she plans to follow up with the posting companies that are on it to collect feedback. She also wants to put a note in the newsletter regarding the option of the job board Kelly, Kate and Helen vote to approve Gandhi as a new member of the membership committee. Gandhi will be able to vote on topics that are to be covered during this meeting, as long as he has back round information on the topic being discussed. Kelly will update the committee website according.

Government Supporters - Helen suggests that we add this as another level of membership and the benefits will be similar to that of an Educational Supporter. We all agreed to look over the summary Helen provided comment on it and then submit to board for approval. This type of supporter is to contact the membership committee with any questions. Kate - What makes a Gov Supp? Are gov contractors allowed? Helen - Open this to agencies only ex. DOD, DHS can apply for such a level Kate - suggests that we contact Collin Watson for his thoughts as well as maybe sending it the leaders list for global collaboration. Helen - will send it to the leaders list for collaboration with a deadline for opinions to be submitted by Monday Feb 27, 2012. Kelly, Kate, Gandhi & Helen agree to move forward and send this to the leaders list.

Bundle Membership Kelly - Suggested we look to add this type of option. Kate confirmed that ROL will handle this. Kate - thinks that the membership is getting way to involved. She recommends that we “test the waters before we make it so”. She suggests that we add to the grid “for groups of 3 or more contact Kelly”. Kate feels we have other things to do before we add anything Helen - the value of this is to entice corporate supporters. If a corporation is a current paid supporter, their employees could receive a discount. Kate - agrees that the direct above makes more sense. What is to prevent a company from joining as a supporter and buying 100 memberships to sway the vote in the election? Kelly - It is just like JPMC buying 100 membership last year and being able to vote in the 2012 election.

Partner Membership Tabled until Q2

Revoked Members Dan's link Helen and Kelly suggests that the email address should be revoked for a minimum of no less than 24 months then the board will vote to allow the person to become active again in the OWASP community Kate suggests that they reapply for membership, then subject to the board who will have to agree to allow them to participate again. Kelly to add a statement on the wiki regarding the revoked membership is for a min of 2 years with reinstatement pending approval by the board. Kelly to add a link to the code of ethics to the new page and the new page to the code of ethics noting that the revoked membership is for a minimum of 2 years reinstatement pending approval by the board Helen suggests we add a blurb with the appeal process, Kate notes that if a membership has already been revoked the appeal already has taken place. No need to add it. Helen - How do we answer the question of telling someone if a persons membership has been revoked? Kate - she will answer with out any other information noted other than their membership dates. A persons revoked membership should NOT be made public. Kelly, Helen & Gandhi agree.

PR Proposal Kate feels that our thoughts are most important for after it has been approved by the board. Kelly - from speaking to a particular committee leader, we should ask Bill from PR with Brains for a resume and references. Helen - feels that a PR coach is good for OWASP Kate thinks it can do anything but good. We need graphics, a timeline, professional help. Just not sure how we are going to pay for it this year. Helen suggests that we review the proposal of what a “COACH” will physically do. Kate says this is like the Eiser Amper thing. We did not know what we wanted so it is like we are putting the horse before the cart. She can not take on any more work neither can Kelly to take direction from a coach at this time. Helen sees Bill’s suggestions as not being direct to the OWASP ops team rather then run them like regular projects. Have a leader and a team to complete tasks as they are given to us by Bill. Kelly suggests that we try him for 6 months and then evaluate after the 6 months at 2K per month. Kelly does not think we should hire him for a month or two since you will probably not see much improvement. Kelly suggests that perhaps we hire a PR coach and a graphics designer to work together as a team. Helen agrees Helen feels we should have a coach to guide our efforts Kate suggests we need branding and put some benefits with the branding. Kate decided to sit out since she does not have a strong feeling and will trust the community on this. Helen - Is Bill the right guy? Kelly said that she only knows Bill from chapter meetings. She has never seen his work. Kate does not know. Kelly feels that we should contact some references prior to hiring Bill. By end of week Helen will submit out thoughts on hiring Bill from PR with Brains

Do we want to mandate a individual to choose a local chapter? Helen - feels that we should not enforce it. However she feels that people may miss it. We should make a warning to people if them happen to “miss” this. Gandhi - feels that we should mandate this Kate - what if a person signs up for a conference and chooses non-member Kelly - suggests to make the field mandatory for them to complete, with NONE as an option. Kate suggests that we put NONE at the top of the list with a new question to read: Please choose a local chapter, if you are not affiliated or choose to not affiliate yourself with a local chapter please choose NONE. Kelly will put a new blurb in ROL with the option of NONE Gandhi suggests us to allow individuals to type in their location Kelly states that every chapter is listed in the drop down box along with an option for projects. If an individual chooses projects they receive an email to indicate which project they want to support

Make our corporate supporter benefits more clearer. Discounts at conferences is not listed. Waiting on Mark for some answers regarding benefits for our corporate supporters at the conferences.

Neither Helen or Kelly can get in contact with Ofer.

Co-Chair position for the membership committee for 6 months and then a review. Kelly suggests that Helen sends the board an email to make them all aware of the co-chair’s. Tasks have been assigned. Helen does not know if Ofer has made a formal commitment to this position. Dan need to confirm this. Helen feels that since Dan stepped down we have not had much involvement from Ofer. Kelly did tell Helen that Ofer sent an email to Kate & her to let them know he was having some family issues.

Kelly will try to contact Ofer before reporting this to the board. We need to address this with Ofer if at all possible.

Helen will send Kelly all contact info she had on file for Ofer.

Gandhi is calling from India and gotomeeting does not provide a call in number for them. He had to use skype and would appreciate it if we can find a better way for him to call in. The streaming is not good using Skype so he missed the voice and is very delayed. Poor sound quality.