OWASP Enterprise Security API
Purpose: ESAPI (The OWASP Enterprise Security API) is a free, open source, web application security control library that makes it easier for programmers to write lower-risk applications. The ESAPI libraries are designed to make it easier for programmers to retrofit security into existing applications. The ESAPI libraries also serve as a solid foundation for new development. Allowing for language-specific differences, all OWASP ESAPI versions have the same basic design:
- There is a set of security control interfaces. They define for example types of parameters that are passed to types of security controls.
- There is a reference implementation for each security control. The logic is not organization‐specific and the logic is not application‐specific. An example: string‐based input validation.
- There are optionally your own implementations for each security control. There may be application logic contained in these classes which may be developed by or for your organization. An example: enterprise authentication.
License: BSD license