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GEC Agenda 2011-09-05
Global Education Committee meetings are included in this category.
Joining the GEC conference call
- The Dial in number: ++1-866-534-4754 (this number is free to call from the US, Canada and via Skype!
- Guest Code: 891237
For the next and previous meetings, see: GEC Meetings
- Kate
- Antony
- Cecil
- Kosta
- Martin
- Fabio
- Kuai
- Eduardo
- Carlos
- Sebastien
- OWASP Training Events
- Lay-out
- Organisation
- make it happen
Kate kicked-off the meeting explaining the goals and outline for OWASP training events. This should be a two day event as currently organized around the AppSec conference. The OWASP Global Education Committee is THE committee to organize training events as those outside the AppSec conferences. -> Anthony is totally in for the idea, but suggests at least 5 day events → Kate and Martin can convince Anthony that a 5 day event can be the long time goal, but might be one step to far for now! -> Cecil underlines the importance for this
Kate is asking if the setup as: 1. one day ‘member free training’ 2. AppSec related training 3. stand-alone training events ...would be a successful and non-competing possibility? -> Kosta does explain the one-day training is not so much a training event then a ‘about OWASP’ session
Ultimate goal: As we get more mature in organizing training events, we would eventually take over the training organization for AppSec conference. This as the GEC would be the natural committee to be in charge for this. Currently, the GEC is not evolved enough to do so!
What is needed to sort out? Lot of stuff is already created by the GEC since existing, but got into stall. We need to rethink about: -> evalutation → Training evaluation form / process → Trainer evaluation
- Date: first week of March 2011
- Location will be dependend of the outcome of the Call for Training
- (location central for the trainers)
- Call for Training (by Kate
Next Meeting
- September 12th, 10PM GMT (no daylight-saving)