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Fyodor Yarochkin (Guard-Info)
Fyodor Yarochkin
Fyodor Yarochkin is a security analyst and software architect for P1sec. Formely a security analyst with Armorize Technologies and security anlyst and co-founder of GuardInfo, a taiwan based security consulting companies. He is a frequent speaker at international security conferences, including BlackHat 2001 HK, BlackHat 2001 Singapore, BlackHat 2002, Ruxcon 2003, XCon 2003 / 2006, HITB 2004 and 2005, Syscan 2005 / 2008, Bellua 2005, HITCon 2006 / 2007, VNSecurity 2007, and DeepSec 2008. He has also published many well-cited papers on top security conferences and magazines, including Usenix and Phrack Magazine. Fyodor is an early developer to snort, and founder to Xprobe. Fyodor has a MS degree in computer science from Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University.
More info, research projects, publications and presentation slides available at