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Category:OWASP Web Services Security Project

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Welcome to OWASP Web Services Security Project. This project is designed to serve as a starting point for any web services related inquiries on OWASP. Please note that this is NOT a standalone project and will draw upon relevant resources from other OWASP and external pages.


The OWASP Web Services Security Project aims to include and maintain a comprehensive list of links to OWASP and external resources.

Web Services Security

OWASP related Web Services links:

[1] OWASP Web Services - A comprehensive introduction to Web Services.

[2] There is More to Securing Web Services Systems Than WS Security - Insightful page on Web Services Security.

[3] .NET Web Service Validation - .NET approach to validating Web Services.

Project Contributors

If you contribute to this Project, please add your name here.
Project Leads:

Web Services Standards

OWASP Web Services Standards Links

OWASP Guide Project - A comprehensive development guide on building secure Web Service Applications.

External Web Services Standards Links

This section of the page needs to be updated

Web Services Tools

OWASP Web Services Tools



External Web Services Tools

This section of the page needs to be updated

Testing Web Services


Testing Web Services - Comprehensive OWASP Guide on Testing Web Services.

External Links

This section of the page needs to be updated

Documents & Presentations

OWASP Documents and Presentations

Documents Related to Web Services

Web Services Security

Presentations Related to Web Services

InfoSec World 2007 - Web Services Gateways presentation from InfoSec World 2007.

Attacking Web Services - OWASP AppSec 2005 DC presentation on Attacking Web Services by Alex Stamos.

WS Security - OWASP AppSec 2006 Seattle presentation on Web Services Security.

Secure SOAP Requests - OWASP AppSec 2006 EU presentation on Inline Approach for Secure SOAP Requests.

Don't Drop the SOAP

OWASP Web Services Project - OWASP AppSec 2005 DC presentation on the OWASP Web Services Project by Alex Smolen.

Protecting Web Services - OWASP AppSec 2006 EU presentation on Protesting Web Services and Applications.

External Documents & Presentations

This section of the page needs to be updated


Welcome to the OWASP Web Services Security Project

[a brief about web services security in general and the current state of OWASP in web services security]

The following document outlines a proposed layout for a new Web Services Security Project for the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).

Current State

Current Relevant OWASP Pages

1. Web Services a. Securing web services b. Communication security c. Passing credentials d. Ensuring message freshness e. Protecting message integrity f. Protecting message confidentiality g. Access control h. Audit i. Web services security hierarchy i. standard committees j. SOAP i. XML signatures and encryption ii. Security specifications k. WS-Security standard i. Organization of the standard ii. Purpose l. WS-Security Building blocks i. How data is passed ii. Security header’s structure iii. Types of tokens iv. Referencing message parts m. Communication protection mechanisms i. Integrity ii. Confidentiality iii. Freshness n. Access control mechanisms i. Identification ii. Authentication iii. Authorization iv. Policy agreement o. Forming web services chains i. Incompatible user access control models ii. Service trust iii. Secure connections iv. Synchronization of user directories v. Domain federation p. Available implementations i. .NET – Web services extensions ii. Java toolkits iii. Hardware software systems q. Problems i. Immaturity of the standards ii. Performance iii. Complexity and interoperability iv. Key management r. Further reading

2. A Tale of Two Systems - case studies of two hypothetical systems, one of which involves openning a mainframe app to the web using a web service, and the risks that are posed.

3. Theres More to Securing Web Services Systems Than WS-Security a. What is a web service b. Web services from the information security perspective c. Some security implications of this perspective i. Emergent risks ii. End-to-end controls d. Interconnection of systems from different trust domains i. Some implications of the organization’s risk management process and system development life cycle ii. Emerging standards for securing web services iii. WS-Security specifications in process iv. Trust management revisited e. References

4. Web Services Architecture and Security a. The web services architecture b. Service oriented architectures and distributed systems c. Complexity is the enemy of security… d. The architectural models e. The policy model f. The service oriented model g. The resource oriented model h. The message oriented model i. The management model j. The rest k. References

5. Testing for Web Services (from OWASP Testing Guide) a. XML Structural Testing b. XML Content-level Testing c. HTTP GET parameters/REST Testing d. Naughty SOAP attachments e. Replay Testing

6. Image:Web services security.doc

7. Image:InfoSec_World_2007_-_Web_services_gateways.ppt

8. Image:AppSec2005DC-Alex_Stamos-Attacking_Web_Services.ppt

9. Image:OWASPAppSec2006Seattle_Web_Services_Security.ppt

10. .NET Web Service Validation a. Perfomance penalties b. Downloading c. Installation d. Reporting Bugs e. Use i. Methods of use ii. Attributes iii. Web.config changes iv. Using validation v. Using assertions

11. OWASP WSFuzzer Project

12. OWASP interceptor Project

13. OWASP Guide

14. OWASPAppSecEU2006_InlineApproachforSecureSOAPRequests.ppt

15. Category_talk:OWASP_XML_Security_Gateway_Evaluation_Criteria_Project

16. Don’t drop the SOAP OWASP.ppt

17. AppSec2005DC-Alex_Smolen-OWASP_WebServices_Project.ppt

18. AppSec2005DC-Jeff_Williams-OWASP_AppSec_Guide_2.0.ppt

19. OWASPAppSecEU2006_ProtectingWebServicesAndAapplications.ppt


- Completeness

- Relevance

- Target audience


- Ease of navigation

- Ease of locating a specific topic

- Communication of updates



Desired State


- Completeness

- Relevance

- Target audience


- Ease of navigation

- Ease of locating a specific topic

- Communication of updates



Proposed Layout

The proposed OWASP Web Services Security Project will serve as a starting point for any web services-related inquiries on OWASP. It will consist of a launchpad or home page with an introduction to the project, regular updates to pages in the project, and links to project pages and external resources.

Launchpad Layout (click to see a bigger image)


[brief description here]


[brief description here]

External Links

[brief description here]


[brief description here]

WS Security Docs/Presentations

[brief description here]

WS Standards

[brief description here]

WS Communications

[brief description here]

XML Security

[brief description here]

Testing Web Services

[brief description here]

WS Tools

[brief description here]

WS Gateways

[brief description here]

SOA Architecture and Design

[brief description here]

WS Implementation Platforms

[brief description here]

OWASP Top 10 Web Services Chapter

[brief description here]

Goals & Roadmap

Currently the project goals are to:

  • Creation of launch pad layout
  • Create template start page for each subtopic
  • Find solid external resources
  • Recruit volunteer team (2-4 person)
  • For each topic:

- Create start page for the subtopic topic

- Gather all existing relevant articles within OWASP

- Create plan of consolidating all the relevant information

- Contact authors of relevant articles if change is required

- Consolidate all information on the topic

- Find solid external resources

- Create link back to the main Web Services Security Project launchpad

  • Research way of communicating any updates to web services pages on launchpad
  • Search optimization (both OWASP and Google)

A detailed project plan and schedule will be developed shortly and posted here.

Project Guiding Principles


Resources and links

This project is not standalone. This project will draw pieces of information from:

  • OWASP Guide
  • Other OWASP pages
  • OWASP documents
  • Relevant external links


Feedback and Participation:

We hope you find the OWASP Web Services Security Project to be useful. Please contribute to the Project by volunteering for one of the Tasks, sending your comments, questions, and suggestions to [email protected].

Project Contributors

If you contribute to this Project, please add your name here.
Project Leads:


  • you? ...

Project Identification

What does this OWASP project offer you?
What does this OWASP project release offer you?
what is this project?
OWASP Web Services Security Project

Purpose: This project is designed to serve as a comprehensive starting point for any web services related inquiries on the web

License: GPL

who is working on this project?
Project Leader: Subu Ramanathan

Project Maintainer: Subu Ramanathan

Project Contributor(s):

how can you learn more?
Project Pamphlet: View

3x slide Project Presentation: View

Mailing list: Subscribe or read the archives

Project Roadmap: To view, click here

Main links: N/A

Project Health: Yellow button.JPG Not Reviewed (Provisional)
To be reviewed under Assessment Criteria v2.0

Key Contacts
  • Contact Subu Ramanathan to contribute, review or sponsor this project
  • Contact the GPC to report a problem or concern about this project or to update information.
current release
First Release - Unknown Date - (no download available)

Release Leader: Subu Ramanathan

Release details: Main links, release roadmap and assessment

Rating: Yellow button.JPG Not Reviewed
To be reviewed under Assessment Criteria v2.0

This category currently contains no pages or media.