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Category:OWASP Live CD Project - Project Information Page

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What does this OWASP project offer you?
What does this OWASP project release offer you?
what is this project?

Purpose: This CD collects some of the best open source security projects in a single environment. Web developers, testers and security professionals can boot from this Live CD and have access to a full security testing suite.

who is working on this project?
Project Leader: Matt Tesauro

Project Maintainer: Matt Tesauro

Project Contributor(s): Brad Causey, Nishi Kumar

how can you learn more?

3x slide presentation: (todo: link to presentation)

Project Flyer/Pamphlet: OWASP_Live_CD_flyer.pdf

Mail list: Subscribe or read the archives

Project Roadmap: To view, click here

Project main links: OWASP Live CD Project; Download Site

Project Health: Yellow button.JPG Not reviewed/Targeted at Level 1
To be reviewed under Assessment Criteria v2.0

Key Contacts
  • Contact Project Leader to contribute to this project,
  • Contact Project Leader or GPC to review or sponsor this project,
  • Contact GPC to report a problem or concern about this project or to update information.

current release AAAA
OWASP Live CD - AppSecEU May2009 Release - May 09 - (download)

Release Leader: Matt Tesauro

Release details: Main links, release roadmap and assessment

Release Rating: Yellow button.JPG Not reviewed/Targeted at Stable Release
To be reviewed under Assessment Criteria v2.0

last reviewed release
OWASP Live CD - OWASP Summer of Code 08 Release - May 09 - [add download link (download)]

Release Leader: Matt Tesauro

Release details: Main links, release roadmap and assessment

Release Rating: Greenlight.pngGreenlight.pngGreenlight.png Release Quality
To be reviewed under Assessment Criteria v2.0

This category currently contains no pages or media.