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Category:OWASP JBroFuzz Project - Version 1.7 Release - Assessment

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Stable Release Review of the OWASP JBroFuzz Project - Release 1.7

Project Leader for this Release

Subere's Pre-Assessment Checklist:

(This FORM is EDITED via a template)

Alpha level

1. Is this release associated with a project containing at least the Project Wiki Page Minimum Content information?

Yes; there a lot of information regarding how to use JBroFuzz, an FAQ section a Help section as well as an online tutorial that still needs a lot of work!

2. Is your tool licensed under an open source license? Please point out the link(s).


3. Is the source code and any documentation available in an online project repository? (e.g. Google Code or Sourceforge site) Please point out the link(s).

For the source code:

4. Is there working code? Please point out the link(s).

Yes; currently in its 179 revision, according to the subversion repository.

5. Is there a roadmap for this project release which will take it from Alpha to Stable release? Please point out the link(s).

Yes; most of the roadmap has now being delivered with the continuous addition of enhancements (e.g. the encoder window)

Beta Level

6. Are the Alpha pre-assessment items complete?

I believe so, yes.

7. Is there an installer or stand-alone executable? Please point out the link(s).

Both an installer and a stand-alone executable as well as a jar standalone executable.

8. Is there user documentation on the OWASP project wiki page? Please point out the link(s).

An FAQ section and a Help section, as well as an ongoing tutorial guide that can be found:

9. Is there an "About box" or similar help item which lists the following? Please point out the link(s).

  • Project Name
  • Short Description
  • Project Release Lead and contact information (e.g. email address)
  • Project Release Contributors (if any)
  • Project Release License
  • Project Release Sponsors (if any)
  • Release status and date assessed as Month-Year (e.g. March 2009)
  • Link to OWASP Project Page

Yes, the about box carries version information, production alias email, the license as well as a disclaimer.

10. Is there documentation on how to build the tool from source including obtaining the source from the code repository? Please point out the link(s).

Yes; using apache ant and running '>ant' after the source code has been downloading. This is also documented on the website.

11. Is the tool documentation stored in the same repository as the source code? Please point out the link(s).

Yes; the faq and help sections are stored in the same repository as the source code. The java-doc is derived from the source code. The fuzzing payloads are stored within the repository.

Stable Level

12. Are the Alpha and Beta pre-assessment items complete?

I would say, yes.

13. Does the tool include documentation built into the tool? Please point out the link(s).

Yes; under Help -> FAQ and Help -> Topics

14. Does the tool include build scripts to automate builds? Please point out the link(s)

Yes; using apache ant and a standard build.xml file

15. Is there a publicly accessible bug tracking system? Please point out the link(s).


16. Have any existing limitations of the tool been documented? Please point out the link(s).

Yes; for example running the tool from command line with more memory; running the jar file in order to pass a SOCKS5 proxy configuration, etc.

First Reviewer

Matt Tesauro's Review:
Ideally, reviewers should be an existing OWASP project leader or chapter leader.

(This FORM is EDITED via a template)

Beta Release Level Questions

1. Is an installer for the tool available and easy to use? How close does it reach the goal of a fully automated installer?

There is an installer and downloads for Windows (.zip or .msi) as well as a .zip file for other platforms (Linux, OS X, BSDs, Solaris, etc). The .msi installer for Windows is very simple, has a wizard, and the usual expected stuff. For Windows, the installer is very simple and automatic. For non-Windows, its a matter of unzipping the provided file and running the .sh script.

2. Is the end user documentation complete, relevant and presented on the OWASP wiki page?

Yes. The recently added tutorial is a great addition. Please consider adding more content in future as time permits. JBroFuzz can be an intimidating tool for new users so anything you can do to ease that initial use, the better for your project.

3. Does the tool have an “About box” or similar help item which allows the end user to get an overview of the state of this tool? Is this information readily available and easy to find?

Yes. The window that opens under Help -> About has tabs for "About", "License", "Disclaimer", and "Acknowledgments". Every thing is there and its easy to find.

4. Does the documentation on building the source provide the necessary information and detail to allow someone to build the tool? Is there sufficient detail and information for the target user? Is there any domain specific knowledge that is assumed and not provided?

Assuming the target user is familiar with the common build tool for Java (Ant), then it should be relatively straight forward to build the tool. However, I'd suggest a minimal INSTALL file be included with the distribution.

5. Is the tool's documentation available with the source code and would it readily discoverable by a new user of the tool?

There is a help directory in svn which includes HTML version of the help files for the tool. I'd suggest also including a basic README file in the root directory of the source since most people expect to find such a file with basic overview type information.

6. Is there anything missing that is critical enough to keep the release at a alpha quality?


Stable Release Level Questions

7. Does the tool substantially address the application security issues it was created to solve?

Yes. Its a highly effective HTTP fuzzer with a ton of existing payloads.

8. Is the tool reasonably easy to use?

Yes. This is even more true since a Tutorial has been created on the OWASP website.

9. Does the documentation meet the needs of the tool users and is easily found?

The tools has a "Help" menu item which includes both topics and a FAQ. It also has an option to go to the Project website for further information.

10. Do the build scripts work as expected? Can you build the tool? The goal is a “One-click” build.

Yes. The tool was easy to build if you know Ant. See note above about a simple INSTALL file. Though there isn't a "One-click" build, there is a one-command build which is equivalent in my mind.

11. Is the bug tracking system usable? Is it hosted at the same place as the source code? (e.g. Google Code, Sourceforge)

Yes. Both source and bug tracking are hosted on Sourceforge.

12. Have you noted any limitations of the tool that are not already documented by the project lead.

There's not the ability to change the location JBroFuzz stores its data. This is a minor issue.

13. Would you consider using this tool in your day to day work assuming your professional work includes a reason to use this tool? Why or why not?

Absolutely. In doing the review, I ended up finding some issues with applications at my day job. After you spend a few minutes getting used to how it works, you begin to want to fuzz everything.

14. What, if anything, is missing which would make this a more useful tool? Is what is missing critical enough to keep the release at a beta quality?

See my review notes for some general suggestions and observations I noted while reviewing JBroFuzz. While there is a bunch of stuff on that page, it DOES NOT mean that JBroFuzz is not of sufficient quality to be rated as Stable in my opinion. Mostly those are minor tweaks to make a great project a bit better.

Second Reviewer

Leonardo Cavallari Militelli's Review:
It is recommended that an OWASP board member or Global Projects Committee member be the second reviewer on Quality releases. The board has the initial option to review the project, followed by the Global Projects Committee.

(This FORM is EDITED via a template)

Beta Release Level Questions

1. Is an installer for the tool available and easy to use? How close does it reach the goal of a fully automated installer?

Yes, in a form of Java executable jar file and a MSI Installable package for Windows.

2. Is the end user documentation complete, relevant and presented on the OWASP wiki page?

Yes. I recommend to link the tutorial and FAQ to main link section on Project Details, while the videos linked on Main links sections are outdated and do not present the current version. Also, the tutorial and documentation have gaps to be improved.

3. Does the tool have an “About box” or similar help item which allows the end user to get an overview of the state of this tool? Is this information readily available and easy to find?


4. Does the documentation on building the source provide the necessary information and detail to allow someone to build the tool? Is there sufficient detail and information for the target user? Is there any domain specific knowledge that is assumed and not provided?

No. The documentation regarding the source code was not found in the wiki, tool repository (sourceforge), or within the downloadable files. It assumes that the user already know what's a fuzzer and how to use it.

5. Is the tool's documentation available with the source code and would it readily discoverable by a new user of the tool?

No. The documentation is only available into the Wiki and doesn't explain how to build from source code.

6. Is there anything missing that is critical enough to keep the release at a alpha quality?


Stable Release Level Questions

7. Does the tool substantially address the application security issues it was created to solve?


8. Is the tool reasonably easy to use?


9. Does the documentation meet the needs of the tool users and is easily found?


10. Do the build scripts work as expected? Can you build the tool? The goal is a “One-click” build.

11. Is the bug tracking system usable? Is it hosted at the same place as the source code? (e.g. Google Code, Sourceforge)

Yes, at Sourceforge

12. Have you noted any limitations of the tool that are not already documented by the project lead.


13. Would you consider using this tool in your day to day work assuming your professional work includes a reason to use this tool? Why or why not?

Yes, since it helps on fuzzing values during an application security assessment, thus automatizing attack variants discovery.

14. What, if anything, is missing which would make this a more useful tool? Is what is missing critical enough to keep the release at a beta quality?

The tool is doing very well, but I missed documentation about source code and a more concise user guide. It can go up the ladder for Release Quality, but I'd like to see a improved documentation when possible.

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