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CRV2 FrameworkSpecIssuesSpring
Spring Mass assignment
The mass assignment problem relates to the universal web framework pattern of automatic binding request parameters into model objects. See also MVC/.NET section previously <link here>
Model objects are an object-oriented representation of user input. They provide methods to get, set etc associated parameters from user input. The following frameworks provide a mechanism for binding request parameters into request bound objects based on matching request parameter names to object attribute names (based on matching public getter and setter methods).
- .NET MVC --> Controller method Parameters
- Struts 1 --> ActionForms
- Struts 2 --> Action Attributes
- spring mvc --> Command Object
- Ruby Rails & Grails --> bound request parameters to objects
Example Code
public class User{ <-- object to place request data public long id; public String fname; public String lname; public boolean isAdmin; }
<form action”/updateUser” method=”post” > <-- intened use <input name=”user.fname” /> <input name=”user.lname” /> </form>
The attacker may post a request such as
<form action”/updateUser” method=”post” > <input name=”user.fname” value="Eoin" /> <input name=”user.lname” value = "OWASP" /> <input name=”user.isAdmin” = "True" /><-- injection </form>
This shall update the user Object isAdmin boolean even though the developer did not intend to do so.
What to look for
When reviewing ORM code such as applications using the frameworks above it is important to veify they they are protected against mass binding attacks. It is suggested to look for the following...
1 Rails: In Ruby on Rails, attr_accessible allows you to specify which attributes of a model can be altered via mass-assignment (most notably by update_attributes(attrs) and new(attrs)). Any attribute names you pass as parameters will be alterable via mass-assignment, and all others won’t be.
Check config/application.rb for
config.active_record.whitelist_attributes = true
And also at the top of each model object
attr_accessible :fname, :lname
Bind(include = "name") should be used to define which attributes can be updated.
[Bind(Include = "fname")] public class Enquiry { public string fname { get; set; } public boolean isAdmin{ get; set; } }
3 Grails: See
4 Spring MVC: Use DataBinder.setAllowedFields()